Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

06 Nov

05 Nov

04 Nov


This is awesome! I love gaming set ups. Hope double up brings more fun for you both!

03 Nov


Originally posted by OllieNotAPotato

Have you had any reports of sound bugs on mobile ? (certain sound channels don't start eg. No attack sounds, or no voices or no music etc.) , not sure where is best to report tft bugs

Interesting. It just stays like that permanently for you?

Can you try to relog and see if it still happens?


We're currently working on fixing it. Pass is available on PC atm.

Edit: Issue is fixed!


Originally posted by trixon221

So I should be able to buy it now yey

We ran into snags, currently working on getting it live.


Worth noting that we increased each Star Shard reward on the BP to 100, which on the previous passes would've been equal to 3 separate levels of 30 each. We have 4 of those, so that would've been equivalent to 12+ levels in the Set 5 Pass, but is just 4 here.

Also, we have the level 1 booms in the level 0 of the BP, which would've been included in separate levels as well.

Edit: For all of you asking about the BP not being available currently, we are currently working on getting it online, we ran into some snags last minute :)

Edit 2: Now up on PC.

Edit 3: Now should be up on Mobile.