Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

18 Aug

17 Aug


Originally posted by RunisXD

Ohh I see what you did there

I had to do it. It was not of my own volition.

16 Aug


Originally posted by CreativeChoroos

For anyone curious this happens because the game calculates the damage you take twice: once as soon as you take the damage, and once when the round ends. The game is making sure you are taking the right amount of damage so that you don't get a victory you mathematically didn't earn. It appears as a bug but it's almost entirely visual, if you died wirh 1hp on next round start, you were meant to lose regardless. Hard pill to swallow.

Although viego clones counting for damage, that i dont think is a super good idea from riot

Viego clones do not contribute additional player damage

15 Aug

14 Aug