almost 5 years
ago -
Guillermo Andrades
Direct link
- Added a new Setting for choosing the target framerate while the game is running on the background.
- French and Japanese translations completed.
- Retweaked experience and level up sounds.
- Terminating a co-op party will now teleport you back to your original position before starting the co-op party. This helps solve some cases where a player could get stuck with items they have only got by doing a co-op party (stuck in an island without surf, stuck in a crystal place without skates…). This will only affect players whose savegame is being lowered by creating the co-op party.
- Fixed not being able to use the Acid-Proof Surfboard while on co-op.
- Fixed players getting stuck in battles after exiting the game mid battles and getting back after waiting at least two hours.
- Fixed being able to filter eggs by their gender.
- Fixed being stuck in battles after using the run hotkey.
- Fixed some more cases where known Tems weren’t registered in the Tempedia.
- Fixed the Tempedia not displaying the latest Tem if the last two were Unknown.
- Fixed a zone in the Xolot Reservoir where players got kicked out by the server while surfing.
- Fixed default dialog type speed being set to slow.
- Fixed some more cases where players were incorrectly being reported as busy.
- Fixed some pronoun tags not being replaced correctly.
- Fixed some more dialogs.