about 13 hours ago - Tsukki - Direct link
Important notice
  • We've adjusted the way Spectator mode and the Skip Animations setting worked:
    • An spectator can't have Skip Animations ON if none of the players has Skip animations ON.
    • If one of the players has the setting turned OFF (so they watch the animations), the spectator can still skip the animations, since the match will wait for the player who sees animations to complete their turn.
    • If both players have Skip Animations ON, the Spectator can have the animations skipped as well.
    • While you're spectating a match, the option to Skip Animations will be blocked in your settings, and it will be adjusted
    • Once you quit spectating the match, the setting will go back to the way you had previously set it.
    • The reason for this change was the many issues the interaction between these two features were causing. If an spectator was watching animations but the players weren't, turn actions would get overlapped, VFX would play all at once, and could even cause black screens.
  • The Ranked Season will end on March 3rd insted of on April 7th.
    • A bug caused this Ranked Season to have an extra month. It has since been corrected.
    • From this patch onwards, all Ranked Seasons will last for 2 months, as originally intended.
  • The code from the February Newsletter is now working correctly, sorry for the inconveniences!




We feel like we've gotten to a point where all Tems are equally balanced and have balanced pick&ban rates, so the balance section is the shortest we've ever written. We're always on the case, so if your feedback or the data we gather prove otherwise, we'll look into it.
  • #063 Scaravolt
    • Magma Cannon has been added back to its Tech Pool.

Bug Fixes
All platforms
  • Fixed getting hard-locked out of the game if a player loses connection right as they enter a GritArena match.
  • Fixed a black screen after leaving spectator mode during a turn if we had the Skip Animations setting turned off.
  • Fixed a black screen caused by the animation of aa rival Galios fainting failing to play after it had fainted via Doom by having its Trait deactivated.
  • 👥Fixed getting softlocked by the UI after leaving a PvP match or a Replay.
  • 👥Fixed getting an invisible NPC after doing a couple of GritArena runs. Interacting with these NPCs causes a softlock.
  • 👥Fixed losing our Gear if we handed an NPC a Gear-wearing Temtem directly from our TemDeck.
  • Fixed that the cinematic with the Guards blocking access to Quetzal wasn't playing correctly for Co-op players, forcing them to break the Co-op.
  • 👥Fixed a visual bug where our would Temtem appear at 1 HP after winning a tie-breaker in a PvE match.
  • 👥Fixed having our Temtem appear at 0 HP on the Evershifting Tower, as well as in some situations like the Melee Dojo or the Arbury Tournament.
  • Fixed encountering Tems over level 100 in the Temtem Nodes of the Mythical lairs, when the limit is 100.
  • 👥Fixed not seeing the message that a radar has broken, on certain places and only if the player had the Skip Animations settings turned on.
  • 👥Fixed an incorrect interaction between Viral Combustion and Voodoo when using a Tech that applied two Status Conditions.
  • 👥Fixed 2 Temtem on Sophia's Dojo Rematch team having the same Gear.
  • 👥Fixed seeing a permanent notification on the Tamer Pass to claim an item if we had gotten said item through any other medium, such as a Newsletter gift.
  • 👥Fixed seeing the visual after effects of Battle Outros when finishing a match or a Replay.

  • Fixed that the sound caused by the mechanism in Braeside Castle was playing louder than in other platforms.

Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server [discord.gg]and subreddit.

Recent Temtem Posts

about 13 hours ago - Tsukki
about 14 hours ago - Lucía Prieto
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