2 days ago - Tsukki - Direct link
Originally posted by Anamijå: Try it through Reddit. I read somewhere that people got unbanned because they directly contacted the *community manager?* on Reddit. No idea if it's true, but it's worth a shot
Definitely not, I'm just a person! The support team is the one who reviews and appeals bans, I'm just a messenger
2 days ago - Tsukki - Direct link
Originally posted by 别卡我了呀宝贝: My ID is Rryx. If you have ever purchased my pet in the trading house, then we have a certain connection. On February 10th, I and several other members of my guild were all banned on the grounds of cheating. We are roommates living together. I have spent 7000 hours playing this game, from version 1.0 to 1.8. I admit that there must be some players who were rightfully banned for using scripts to obtain shiny items, but there must also be players like the members of my guild who truly love the game and were wrongly banned. It's extremely regrettable that I can't return to this game. The accounts that we have been playing for several years have been permanently banned, which is very unreasonable. However, we have spent thousands of hours playing this game, just hatching eggs, engaging in PvP battles, and running digital dungeons every day. There is simply no reason for us to use scripts to cheat. I have written countless appeal emails in this past month, and the customer service's reason is always that they have clearly detected my cheating. But due to technical reasons, they can't tell me why. Anyway, they claim that I have violated the rules. If that's the case, they can ban any player at will. We want to get back to this game. The official detection mechanism or review mechanism obviously has obvious loopholes. Players who have been wrongly banned have no way to return to the game. This is really disappointing. The accumulation of nearly ten thousand hours of gameplay has all vanished.
Hi! Please send a message to [email protected] and ask for a ban appeal so the team can look at your account and review your ban.