almost 5 years
ago -
Guillermo Andrades
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- Fixed Temtem over the Tamer Cap going to the Squad if the TemDeck was full.
- Fixed Max’s second battle not being triggered under certain circumstances while on co-op.
- Fixed players getting stuck before arriving at Nanga under certain circumstances while on co-op.
- Fixed a bug that displayed a picking item animation on the Tamer Info after starting the game.
- Fixed friend requests not being deleted after a character deletion.
- Fixed Temtem being translucent in battles after a reconnection.
- Fixed an exploit allowing to check if an egg contains a Luma Temtem.
- Fixed altar’s cinematic being triggered by both players while on co-op.
- Saipark’s MiniTemporium now will be triggered as a Smoke Bomb point and it is now displayed in the minimap.
- Fixed a lighting bug in the Saipark near the fountain.
- Fixed being able to open some UIs while taking the Lift in Omninesia and not being able to close them after.
- Fixed being able to cross the bushes in Omninesia’s Dojos after breaking a co-op party.
- Fixed being able to skip the cultist leader while on a co-op party.
- Fixed screen resolution incorrectly swapping after choosing not to save the changes.
- Fixed being able to skip part of the Giant Banyan’s cinematic by triggering a battle earlier than intended.
- Fixed an incorrect camera when using Tsunami with synergy.
- Fixed cinematic bars not disappearing on the prison cinematic.
- Fixed Stowaway disappearing in one frame after receiving the clothes for the prison quest.
- Fixed the Stamina bar visual cue not being removed after using a technique with a hotkey.
- Fixed being able to squeeze through Quetzal’s guards.
- Fixed holds not being displayed empty at the start of a battle under certain circumstances.
- Fixed being able to stick a blocking NPC when spamming the interaction with them.
- Fixed being able to skip a blocking NPC after using a smoke bomb.
- Fixed a blur visual bug while changing the video quality on Settings.
- Fixed some occasions where the following Temtem didn’t want to stay with its tamer and wandered to the infinite.
- Fixed untamed Temtem losing its current status conditions after failing to capture it if the Temdeck was full.
- Fixed being able to skip certain NPC battles when starting a co-op party.
- Fixed battle camera not restoring correctly to the idle pose after the co-op partner disbands the party.
- Fixed getting stuck after evolving a Temtem while seated.
- Fixed being able to sit on incorrect places when spamming the movement buttons.
- Fixed being able to cross a fence in the Commune when sitting.
- Fixed eggs being able to learn technique courses.
- Fixed incognito hat not being replaced by the default cosmetic after defeating Yareni.
- Fixed Mirroring not displaying the damage properly when using Chain Lightning.
- Fixed being able to release a Temtem on a Temdeck box that was still loading.
- Fixed being able to battle or trade while starting the prison quest.
- Fixed a co-op sync issue when one player was sitting and the other one enters a cinematic.
- Fixed Tamer details not working after a player search if there were another Tamer details opened before the search.
- Fixed player movement not being properly synced between players.
- Tweaked the player movement against NPCs in order to avoid several stuck situations behind them.
- Fixed being stuck in a battle after using a TemCard while carrying the Four-Leaf Clover and a Balm while carrying the Squeezer in the same turn.
- Fixed not being able to get the Fire Chip when closing the game after defeating the Lab Assistant.
- Fixed following Temtem disappearing and appearing after moving around two other Temtem of the same species in the Squad.
- Fixed Rampage’s incorrect Synergy type in the description.
- Fixed Vulvir’s incorrect jumping animation.
- Fixed a Saipark’s grass patch not being displayed in the minimap.
- Fixed Windward Fort’s top floor using the same SFX as the rest of the floors.
- Fixed FreeTem’s minimap orientation.
- Fixed a visual bug displaying an incorrect battle enter trait.
- Fixed Adoroboros’ Synergy Master trait not being triggered while carrying a gear.
- Fixed incorrect information displayed on the quest log for “The colors of the Archipelago” quest.
- Fixed getting softlocked while opening a tutorial after picking an item.
- Fixed frozen effect being displayed when throwing a Temcard if one of your Tems was frozen.
- Fixed evolution’s cancel button appearing outside the evolution scene.
- Fixed some circumstances where players couldn’t throw a Temcard while on a co-op party.
- Fixed the quest traded Taifu having Ukama’s egg techniques.
- Fixed being able to open the mines ancient gate before picking up Shuine’s Horn.
- Fixed a Temtem not being displayed as knocked-out after getting knocked out by poison and after leveling up while on a co-op party.
- Fixed player names disappearing near the Cenote’s waterfalls.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the icon are originally suggested or reported by our community in our Forums.