🔸 Some Ingame Tournament winners lost the status of their Champion Kudo. This is now fixed and the Kudo has been granted retroactively.
🔸 Applying the correct feather bonus to GritArena and DraftArena. Both should give more feathers now.
During this maintenance we're fixing:
🔸 Remaining issues with Kudos and Tempedia status. Now your Collector Kudo and your Tempedia status should match.
🔸 An issue with accumulative Kudos which wouldn't allow claiming them.
🔸 Ingame Tournaments not giving the Telomere Hotfix - Trait Swap. We've granted this retroactively to the players who should have got it during this past weekend.
🔸 A bug in Evershifting Tower which could produce floors with no stairs up or final reward room.