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A alltime high of 189 for a free to play game is pretty sad... and dont get me started with the current count...

Its not even a few weeks old and already more then dead, with not even visible motivation to watch it (all time high of 50 people on twitch), which is a whole other, worse, thing for a competitiv style of game.

Dont know what the devs are thinking, this was predictable from the start, as well as the E-Sport stuff they tried after launch. YES, there are people who only play TemTem for competitiv, but not even a classroom full as we can see here perfektly fine...

Why do they only concentrate so hard on PvP and Cosmetics?

Just sad and kinda angry what they did with a game i did defend and hyped so much before 1.0 and even bought the artbook / CE... why letting it down so much?

Hope they do SOMETHING in the future... at very least a offline mode so i dont lose my game i paid for, because at this rate the shutdown is only a time question...

I also hope the very small increase this month can do Something, as well as the leaks of a show in the future are true, it would bring the life back to the game.

Because in its current form, its the same with Overwatch, i am just to sad from the State of the game to play it... even though i like the gameplay very much.