about 1 year
ago -
Guillermo Andrades
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We’ve made some improvements to Replays:
- Renamed Tems now will display their nickname instead of the species name.
- Locked squads will now display the squad code in the same places it is displayed in battles.
- The Temtem battle enter animation is now displayed when replaying the first turn.
- Improved the navigation through the Replay HUD while using a gamepad.
TemCard swapping now costs 400 feathers instead of 250 Luma drops.
Swarm Aid
- Hold Turns have been reduced 4 ⇒ 3
Regular Stamina recovery being higher than intended (due to the change on rest Stamina recovery).
Visual bug when receiving a technique on a Temtem with Ignite Protection.
Some cases where untamed Tems had wrong techniques (due to balance changes).
Akranox having only three techniques on the Draft Arena and Mythical Lairs.
Voodoo applying Exhaust to an invigorated Tem instead of canceling it.
Seismunch’s Earthbound not activating when attacking with an Earth-type multitarget technique and one of the opponent’s Temtem is “Evading”.
The Umbra version for Tuwai and its evolutions not being unlocked correctly when the Luma version was previously unlocked.
Bamboozle hold turns not working correctly when copied by a Mimit.
Some cases where Galios becomes invisible and untargetable after triggering its trait against a Tem with Fainted Curse or Toxic Farewell.
Resilient not working as intended with techniques that do damage outside of the general damage formula (e.g. Extra Energy Slam, Hyperkinetic Strike…).
Ob10’s Target Replicator not working correctly and not copying the new status under some circunstances.
Wrecked Farewell being applied twice when KO’d by overexertion while performing a multitarget technique against two opponents.
The “last connection” label not being properly gendered in Portuguese.
A visual bug while moving the Everwinter tree furniture around the house.
Watching a replay played the regular battle music instead of the competitive battle music.
The amount of pansuns was displayed inside a lair instead of the amount of synstars after sending pansuns to another player through the Club vault feature.
A softlock when using Swarm Aid Synergy in a PVP combat. Swarm Aid Synergy is being enabled again.
First Aid Kit not being displayed correctly in replays.
All Season 4 seals not displaying correctly and causing camera issues.
The Found Location of Tems captured in the cave near Miyako Village not being correctly displayed.
Some cases where Tems appear duplicated on replays.
Emote wheel pages not working correctly on resolutions with aspect ratios other than 16:9.
While on a replay, if we paused during a technique animation and change turn, technique sounds stop working for the duration of the replay.
Fixed Arachnyte’s Adaptive trait not taking into effect when receiving damage in the battlefield.
- Not being able to equip Straw Shield on a competitive squad.
- Some cases where a Tem could keep a duplicated technique in their moveset after a balance change that changes one of their egg techniques into a regular technique.
- Replay time not being saved correctly after the battle ends by conceding.
- Infectious sign not appearing when triggered by Physgulp/Specgulp.
- Visual bug on the HP bar when triggering Infectious along other traits that regenerate HP.
- Galios spawning with 1 turn of Poison and 1 turn of Doom after resurrecting if the rival on the slot B had Toxic Farewell.
- Not being possible to pause Replays while some specific techniques were being reproduced.
- Abandoning a replay during the battle outro crashed the game.
- Some incorrect battle shortcuts working inside replays.
- Internal errors that could lead to other errors and problems when quickly changing and equipping emotes.
- Depleting a life from the lair boss version of Galios while they had any status condition active leads to a visual bug where the doom turns are not displayed after reviving.
- A coop softlock when interacting with a specific NPC in the Pansun route.
- The vibration for the current tech was still being triggered when in the middle of swapping a turn while watching a replay.
A game freeze under some circumstances when using the mouse movement to move between multiple NPCs.
Some occasions where the game would crash or softlock when spectating a match.
Mounts having their walking sounds muted.
An incorrect pre-set label appearing on the filtering function of the Trade House.
- After fixing a duplicated issue with Major Slash on Zenoreth, players that had this technique in their Zenoreth’s moveset, will need to re-assign it.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server.