9 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
9 months ago - Tsukki - Direct link
Important notice
KNOWN ISSUE FOR CONSOLES: You won’t be able to use Feathers to purchase items from the Store until 1.7.1.
This bug has been corrected for patch 1.7.1, which will be sent to certification on the very day we launch 1.7. It shouldn’t take more than two weeks to be certified and launched.
You will still be able to purchase the Tamer Pass with either Novas or Feathers. The bug only affects the daily and weekly Premium Store.
We didn’t want to postpone 1.7 any longer by re-starting the certification process, so we’ve opted for a new, quick build containing the fix, which is 1.7.1.
We deeply apologize for the inconveniences this might cause.

Premium monetization has been removed from the game.
As of this patch, you won’t be able to purchase Novas anymore. There won’t be an option for it in the Shop anymore, and the bundles are being removed from all the platforms’ stores.
Remaining Novas in player’s inventories won’t be removed and you’ll be able to keep using them to purchase cosmetics.
You won’t be able to combine both Novas and Feathers to make purchases: the game will prioritize using your available Novas over your existing Feathers.
We’re rounding up everyone’s Novas to a multiple of 50, to make sure any remaining amount is usable.
This rounding will happen to the Novas on each platform (remember: you have a common stash of them, and the ones purchased in each platform. All the info here).
All the loot pools that included Novas as a reward will have them swapped for Feathers.
The Weekly Challenges of Tamer Passes will now reward Feathers instead of Novas, and the Premium Challenges will have added Pansuns to them. Tamer Passes will now be purchasable for 2000 Feathers or 700 Novas.
Items will have a price of 2.5x times its price in Novas. For example, an item that costed 300 Novas will cost 750 Feathers.
If you don’t have enough Novas to purchase something, you’ll see its price in Feathers, and Feathers will be used to purchase it. Please pay attention to the currency displayed when making the purchase, as that’s the currency that will be employed.
Once you don’t have any Novas, the icon will disappear from the backpack and from the Store UI.
There is no time limit to use your Novas, so please don’t feel rushed to employ them, and take your time.

New stuff
  • Welcome to the new Season, Neon Reverie!
  • This Season is inspired by urban culture, and a mix between modern and traditional. It’s a Season for nostalgia, but also for trail-blazing.
  • Enjoy the best of cybernetic and ancient Neoedo in a new Tamer Pass and new Store items.

  • The Arcade Bar is ready to welcome all of you!
  • Play four different minigames inspired by the classics, but adapted and reimagined into the Temtem universe: Deniz Invaders, Innkball, Gharunner and Project Temcard.
  • Achieve certain scores to obtain unique rewards for each game, including housing replicas of the arcades, titles, and even a mount. You will also be able to obtain three new Gears through the Arcade Bar!
  • Challenge your friends and clubmates with an individual scoreboard for each game!
  • It’s a totally new building located in Neoedo, on the right of Nanto Labs.

  • We’ve made some improvements to the notification of bonus Tamer Pass experience so players can see it more clearly.
  • We’ve introduced a safety checkpoint after the Tucma prison, for players who were getting stuck there.

We have triplicated the Feather rewards on all activities that could reward Feathers. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • FreeTem!
  • Dojo Rematches
  • Postal service
  • Koish of the Week
  • Kudo completion
  • Ranked matches
  • Tournaments (top 4 participants, who received Feathers)
  • Dojo Wars
  • Mythical Lairs
  • Archtamers.
  • Tamer’s Paradise’s Evershifting Tower, TemSafari, DraftArena, GritArena, and DigiLairs.

We have increased the bonus catch rate multiplier of the Four-Leaf Clover Gear, from 1.1x ⇒ 1.2x.

  • The recommended Technique sets of all Temtem on the Showdown pre-defined builds have been revisited and adjusted, corrected or redone.
A note from our balance team:
Over previous patch cycles, we have been reading a lot of feedback from the community and there are a number of specific points that kept coming up, which we wanted to act on:

  • Too many dual-typed Temtem have access to efficient/powerful offensive techniques of both of their typings at 0 hold.
  • Too many 0 hold techniques have unconditional high priority.
  • Too many Temtem have access to both of the above at the same time.
An example of this is Tulcan. With Wind Burst and Fiery Soul, it could use offensive techniques of both of its typings on any turn, and one of these techniques also burned the opponent at high priority. As a result, it was consistently at the top of tier lists as these qualities made it “always good”. Our goal of this patch is to cut down on these types of Temtem, while leaving just a few like this. We don’t want to remove these kinds of Temtem completely as we believe Temtem with strong 0 hold techniques are an important part of aggressive play, which makes up a key part of the competitive ecosystem. However, it should be a more rare quality for a Temtem to have, rather than the norm which defines the benchmark against which Temtem are compared and evaluated. For this reason, we have decided to aim for Temtem learn sets, rather than apply a blanket nerf to high priority and low hold techniques. This has been at the core of our approach to balance for Season 7.

We’re sticking with the Highlighted Changes following your positive feedback on it! Remember that these changes will still appear under their respective categories lower down below.

[NEW] Fiery Ballad
Type: Fire
Damage: 95
STA cost: 25
Hold: 1
Priority: Normal
Attack Category: Physical
Target: One Target

[NEW] Fiery Ballad +
In combination with a Wind ally, Fiery Ballad gifts the user with +1 SPD.
Everything else stays the same.
Like with Phantom Whiplash in patch 1.6, we are still looking to add techniques that we think are necessary to the range of possibilities in the game. In this case we introduced a 1 Hold, physical fire move with normal priority. This is something certain Fire-type Tems that have been in the shadows for a long time were in need of. It’s always interesting to introduce synergy techniques to the game, and even more so, if its synergy involves something as key to the game as increasing SPD to the user.

[NEW] Cable Link
If the holder takes part in a synergy Technique, both the holder and the ally regain 10% of their max Stamina.
So far we had no Gear that interacted with one of Temtem’s unique game mechanics, synergies. After multiple tests, we feel like this gear is way stronger than other Stamina gears in the right team compositions, while it’s weaker than these same gears when not used correctly. We cannot wait to see how creative you’ll get with this gear.

[NEW] Haz’trap
When the holder gets knocked out, the attacker gets trapped for 2 turns.
This gear is revealed at the beginning of the turn.
We have been receiving feedback for some time about how oppressive the opponent’s leads can be, even from the picks and bans phase, and how in many occasions the first two turns’ offsets have too much weight in the game. With the design of Haz’trap we want to make it easier to look for an even exchange in the early stages of the game, even being able to trap the opponent’s key Tem, and aim to weaken it in the next turn. This gear will be revealed at the beginning of the turn, so both players will have to prepare their move around it, and further assess the range of possibilities and how the field situation may change in the next turn. During scrims we saw that any fragile and fast Tem is a good holder of this gear, but we are looking forward to see what strategies come out around it.

[NEW] Power Bank
Offensive techniques gain 6.5% damage boost per hold.
Similar to Cable Link, we like gears that interact with Temtem’s unique mechanics. Hold is another one of these, and testing showed this gear played well. We found lots of Temtem that benefit from this gear (more than just Turoc!), and even discovered some new builds that it enables. We think that Power Bank is especially relevant and interesting for special attackers, as some of these tems, depending on their type, were lacking a damage-boosting gear. One of the users that surprised us the most during the scrims was Oceara, fitting perfectly with its Hurry-Wart trait. We’re eager to see players cook up ideas we missed in the testing phase!

#009 – Platimous
Aqua Bullet Hell has been removed from its tech pool.
Bubbles has been added to its tech pool.
Bubbles is now learned at level 9.
Cheer Up is now learned at level 14.

#011 – Loali
Hypoxia has been removed from its tech pool.
Hurricane is now an Egg Technique.

#020 – Amphatyr
Plague has been removed from its tech pool.
Petal Dagger has been added to its tech pool.

#22 – Mudrid
Receptive has been removed from its trait.
Dispersion has been added to its traits.
Sandstorm has been added to its tech pool.
Turbo Choreography added to its tech pool.
Sandstorm is now learned at level 72.

#024 – Taifu
HP has been increased 60 ⇒ 64.
DEF has been increased 45 ⇒ 52.
SPD has been decreased 45 ⇒ 40.
Knockback has been removed from its tech pool.
Unseen blow has been added to its tech pool.

#036 – Nidrasil
Cooperation has been removed from its tech pool.
Jaw strike has been added to its tech pool at level 6.
Look Out has been added to its tech pool at level 25.
Untangle has been added to its tech pool at level 32.
Burrow has been added to its tech pool at level 56.
Toxic Spores is now learned at level 8.
Toxic Fang is now learned at level 10.
Toxic Ink is now learned at level 18.
Roots is now learned at level 38.
Allergic Spread is now learned at level 48.
Hallucination is now learned at level 65.
Hypnosis is now learned at level 78.

#038 – Capyre
Fiery Ballad has been added to its tech pool.

#047 – 0b10
Harmful Microwaves has been removed from its tech pool.

#049 – Saku
Boomerang has been removed from its tech pool.
Hypoxia has been added to its tech pool at level 91.
Allergic spread is now learned at level 25.
Humiliating slap is now learned at level 30.
Turbine is now learned at level 43.
Frond whip is now learned at level 55.
Refreshing breeze is now learned at level 67.
Gaia is now learned at level 80.

#056 – Myx
Quartz Dirt has been removed from its tech pool.

#063 – Scaravolt
Magma Cannon has been removed from its tech pool.

#065 – Hedgine
Magma Cannon has been removed from its tech pool.

#074 – Tortenite
SPATK reduced from 89 ⇒ 84.
Rotten Goo has been removed from its tech pool.
Toxic Slime has been added to its tech pool.
Crystal Deluge is now an Egg Technique.
Toxic Slime is now learned at level 66.
Toxic Gas is now learned at level 80.

#075 – Innki
DC Beam has been removed from its tech pool.
Glass Blade has been removed from its tech pool.
Chain Lightning has been added to its tech pool at level 14.

#089 – Ukama
Turbo Choreography has been added to its tech pool.

#091 – Raignet
Cage has been removed from its tech pool.

#095 – Zizare
HP has been increased 60 ⇒ 64.
Tenderness has been added to its tech pool.
Drought has been added to its tech pool.
Tenderness is now learned at level 17.

#096 – Gorong
Held Anger has been added to its tech pool.
Held Anger is now learned at level 85.
Rush is now learned at level 22.
Wrenching massage is now learned at level 78.

#112 – Grumper
Mud Shower has been removed from its tech pool.
Tenderness has been added to its tech pool.

#118 – Garyo
Clay Ball has been removed from its tech pool.
Sand Splatter has been added to its tech pool.
Sand Splatter is now learned at level 15.

#120 – Broccolem
ATK has been increased 63 ⇒ 70.
Plague has been removed from its tech pool.
Allergic Spread has been added to its tech pool.
Revitalize has been added to its tech pool.
Revitalize is now learned at level 40.

#122 – Shuine
HP has been increased 51 ⇒ 56.
DEF has been increased 55 ⇒ 60.

#123 – Nessla
SPATK has been increased 76 ⇒ 79.

#126 – Loatle
Roots has been removed from its tech pool.
Confiscate has been added to its tech pool.

#128 – Kalabyss
SPDEF has been reduced from 55 ⇒ 50.

#129 – Adoroboros
Beta Burst has been removed from its tech pool.
Psy Surge has been added to its tech pool.

#132 – Tulcan
HP has been increased from 59 ⇒ 63.
SPDEF has been increased from 49 ⇒ 52.
Fiery Soul has been removed from its tech pool.
Magma Cannon has been added to its tech pool.

#133 – Tuvine
STA has been increased 49 ⇒ 60.
SPD has been reduced 70 ⇒ 65.
Turbine has been removed from its tech pool.
Mineral Hail has been added to its tech pool.

#134 – Turoc
Stone Ball has been removed from its tech pool.
Soil Steam has been removed from its tech pool.
Drought has been added to its tech pool.
Earth Wave has been added to its tech pool.
Earth Wave is now learned at level 80.
Rockfall is now learned at level 52.
Turbine is now learned at level 68.

#135 – Tuwire
Turbo Attack has been removed from its tech pool.
Cyberclaw has been added to its tech pool.

#136 – Tutsu
ATK has been increased 69 ⇒ 74.
Wrenching Massage has been removed from its tech pool.
Head Charge has been added to its tech pool.

#137 – Kinu
HP has been increased 50 ⇒ 54.
DEF has been increased 41 ⇒ 46.
STA has been decreased 74 ⇒ 69.

#140 – Vulcrane
Fiery Ballad has been added to its tech pool.

#142 – Akranox
Rotten Goo has been removed from its tech pool.
Paralysing Poison has been added to its tech pool.

#146 – Waspeen
Crystal Deluge has been removed from its tech pool.
Paralyzing Poison has been added to its tech pool at level 85.
Firewall has been added to its tech pool at level 100.
Metabolize is now an Egg Technique.

#152 – Minothor
SPDEF has been increased 44 ⇒ 49.

#164 – Volgon
Strangle has been removed from its tech pool.

New Technique: Fiery Ballad
Type: Fire
Damage: 95
STA cost: 25
Hold: 1
Priority: Normal
Attack Category: Physical
Target: Single Target

New Synergy: Fiery Ballad+
In combination with a Wind ally, Fiery Ballad gifts the user with +1 SPD.
Everything else stays the same.
Like with Phantom Whiplash in patch 1.6, we are still looking to add techniques that we think are necessary to the range of possibilities in the game. In this case we introduced a 1 Hold, physical fire move with normal priority. This is something certain Fire-type Tems that have been in the shadows for a long time were in need of. It’s always interesting to introduce synergy techniques to the game, and even more so, if its synergy involves something as key to the game as increasing SPD to the user.

Head Charge
Damage has been increased 80 ⇒ 100.
STA cost has been increased 10 ⇒ 15.

New Synergy: Head Charge+
Synergy with the Crystal type.
Priority increased from Low ⇒ Normal.
In combination with a Crystal ally, Head Charge gifts the user with +1 DEF.

Priority has been increased Low ⇒ Normal.

Aquatic Whirlwind
Damage has been reduced 130 ⇒ 120.

Damage has been increased 27 ⇒ 36.
STA cost has been increased 5 ⇒ 6.

Cold Geyser
STA cost has been reduced 29 ⇒ 25.

Seized Condition turns have been increased from 3 ⇒ 5.

Crystal Tail
Damage has been increased 60 ⇒ 90.
STA cost has been increased 10 ⇒ 14.
With this change we’d like to unlock a new Gear slot for physical Zenoreth set, instead of being forced to run Slingshot for this technique to be interesting enough.

Data Corruption
Priority has been increased from Normal ⇒ High.
STA cost has been increased 17 ⇒ 26.

Dim Mak
Damage has been increased 100 ⇒ 130.

Doesn’t overexert the user anymore.

Priority has been increased from Normal ⇒ Very High.

Added new effect: If this technique knocks an opponent out, the user gets +2 ATK and +2 SPATK.

Fiery Heist +
Priority has been increased from Normal ⇒ High.
Seized turns have been reduced from 4 ⇒ 3.
Burned turns have been reduced from 4 ⇒ 3.

Added new effect: Gifts the user with the Invigorated Condition for 2 turns.
The whole description now reads as follows: Footwork gifts the user with SPD +2 and the Invigorated Condition for 2 turns.

Glass Blade
Priority has been reduced High ⇒ Normal.
Damage has been increased 45 ⇒ 55.

Hasty Lunge
Previous effects no longer work. It no longer overexerts the user for the next turn.
Priority has been reduced from High ⇒ Normal.
Damage has been reduced 90 ⇒ 80.
STA cost has been reduced 25 ⇒ 20.

Hasty Lunge +
STA cost has been reduced 25 ⇒ 20.

STA cost has been increased 10 ⇒ 15.

Heal via damage dealt has been increased 40% ⇒ 45%.

Leech +
Heal via damage dealt has been increased 50% ⇒ 55%.

Look Out
Targeting changed from Single Target to Single Team.
Priority has been increased High ⇒ Very High.
Alerted turns have been reduced from 5 ⇒ 2.

Magma Cannon
Hold has been reduced 2 ⇒ 1.
Burn ticks have been reduced 3 ⇒ 2.

Martial Strike
Priority has been reduced High ⇒ Normal.
STA cost has been reduced 15 ⇒ 11.

Mirror Shell
Priority has been increased Low ⇒ Normal.

Self inflicted damage has been increased from 20% ⇒ 100%.
STA cost has been reduced 5 ⇒ 0.
With the previous buff to Straw Shield, Loatle has been overperforming. Because of his typings, Loatle has one of the best tech pools in the game, resulting in a huge advantage for the player who had Loatle open during the pick & ban phase. This change, while massive at first glance, allows for Loatle players to decide if they want to boost defense (with Sacrifice) or offense before losing Loatle, allowing also for its Seppuku trait to trigger in an easier way.

STA cost has been reduced 31 ⇒ 28.

Hold turns have been increased from 2 ⇒ 3.
Poison turns have been increased 2 ⇒ 3.
STA cost has been increased from 22 ⇒ 26.
STA drain has been increased from 25% ⇒ 35% of target(s) maximum STA.

HP recovery has been increased from 6% ⇒ 10%.

Refreshing Breeze
STA cost has been increased 22 ⇒ 26.

Refreshing Breeze +
Targeting has been changed from Single Target ⇒ Single Team.
Priority has been reduced from Very High ⇒ Low.
STA cost has been increased 22 ⇒ 26.
New description and effect read as follows: If used with a Nature ally, gifts the whole team +3 SPDEF without removing status conditions.
The game has been lacking techniques that could buff SPDEF for quite some time now. When we decided to rework this technique, it felt like the right call to make it a “special” Bark Shield with synergy, especially since this technique was already interacting with SPDEF but seeing close to no use.

Damage has been reduced 80 ⇒ 70.
New effect: Inflicts the Isolation Condition for 2 turns to both targets.

Smoldering Kiss
Damage has been increased 50 ⇒ 61.
STA cost has been increased 9 ⇒ 12.
This is a simple change to reduce Tyranak’s hitting power with Slingshot.

Sparkling Bullet +
Damage has been increased 98 ⇒ 105.

STA cost has been increased 5 ⇒ 8.

Stone Trench
Damage has been increased 75 ⇒ 80.
STA cost has been increased 25 ⇒ 27.

Swarm’s Aid
Hold turns have been reduced 3 ⇒ 2.

Damage has been reduced 125 ⇒ 110.

Toxic Slime
Damage has been reduced 80 ⇒ 65.

Toxin Shower
Damage has been reduced 61 ⇒ 60.

Hold turns have been reduced 4 ⇒ 3.

SPDEF Stage modifications have been increased from +1 ⇒ +2.

Venomous claws
Priority has been reduced High ⇒ Normal.
Stamina cost has been reduced from 9 ⇒ 7.

Damage has been reduced 90 ⇒ 80.
STA cost has been reduced 29 ⇒ 27.

New Trait: Dispersion
Trait description and effect: +20% damage inflicted with damaging, multi-target Techniques.

Heat Discharge
Burn turns have been reduced from 3 ⇒ 2.
The Burn ticks now are now applied to both rivals.
When knocked out, both rivals get the Burned Status Condition for 2 turns.

Previous effects no longer work.
New effect: When hit by an enemy Nature technique, damage is reduced by 50% and receives +1 ATK.
The intended thought process behind this change was to give Minothor a trait that is almost as good as the Rusher trait is. After reading feedback from the players when Ruminant was first leaked, we decided to wait and see how this trait performs before applying any further changes to it, but we will monitor it closely and add extra changes if it turns out to be too weak.

It now triggers each time Tortenite gets trapped, not only when the attacker traps itself.
New description: When getting the Trapped status condition, gets +1 DEF and +1 SPDEF.

STA regeneration increased from 10% to 15%.

Natural Conversion
Damage reduction from Nature techniques has been removed.
The whole description now reads as follows: While using any other non-Nature type technique, deal 25% more damage.

Safe Retreat
Removed the once-per-battle condition.
Regenerating turns have been reduced from 2 ⇒ 1.
The whole description now reads as follows: When leaving the battlefield, the Temtem receives 1 turn of Regenerating.

Damage has been increased from 7% ⇒ 10%.

New Gear: Cable Link
If the holder takes part in a synergy technique, both the holder and the ally regain 10% of their max Stamina.
So far we had no Gear that interacted with one of Temtem’s unique game mechanics, synergies. After multiple tests, we feel like this gear is way stronger than other Stamina gears in the right team compositions, while it’s weaker than these same gears when not used correctly. We cannot wait to see how creative you’ll get with this gear.

New Gear: Haz’trap
When knocked out, the attacker gets Trapped for 2 turns.
The gear is revealed at the beginning of the turn.
We have been receiving feedback for some time about how oppressive the opponent’s leads can be, even from the picks and bans phase, and how in many occasions the first two turns’ offsets have too much weight in the game. With the design of Haz’trap we want to make it easier to look for an even exchange in the early stages of the game, even being able to trap the opponent’s key Tem, and aim to weaken it in the next turn. This gear will be revealed at the beginning of the turn, so both players will have to prepare their move around it, and further assess the range of possibilities and how the field situation may change in the next turn. During scrims we saw that any fragile and fast Tem is a good holder of this gear, but we are looking forward to see what strategies come out around it.

New Gear: Power Bank
Offensive techniques gain a 6.5% damage boost per hold.
Similar to Cable Link, we like gears that interact with Temtem’s unique mechanics. Hold is another one of these, and testing showed this gear played well. We found lots of Temtem that benefit from this gear (more than just Turoc!), and even discovered some new builds that it enables. We think that Power Bank is especially relevant and interesting for special attackers, as some of these tems, depending on their type, were lacking a damage-boosting gear. One of the users that surprised us the most during the scrims was Oceara, fitting perfectly with its Hurry-Wart trait. We’re eager to see players cook up ideas we missed in the testing phase!

Adrenaline Shot
Previous effects no longer work.
Once per battle, when the holder would lose a turn by cause of Overexertion because of lack of STA, the turn penalty is prevented.

Hopeless Tonic
Previous effects no longer work.
Once per battle, if the Temtem is the last ally standing, it gets the Evading and Invigorated Status Conditions for 2 turns, and gets +2 SPD.
This gear never really shone since its release, and its description was already way too complicated for us to add any more effects to it. Instead, we decided to completely change its effect while keeping the initial intentions of the gear. Pairing Evasion and the Invigorated status effect, as well as giving +2 SPD to the user, allows it to handle 1 vs 2 situations more easily, while not being a game-breaking gear if the player manages to pull it off.

Redirection device
Previous effects no longer work.
Renamed to “Proxy Kit” due to the new effects of the gear.
When the ally is targeted by a Digital technique, damage is reduced by 50%.
The gear is now revealed at the beginning of the turn.
This gear gave us many headaches in terms of balancing. First, it was too match-up dependent, then it saw close to no play after its latest change in 1.4. With these changes we hope to see this gear back in play in specific teams that accumulate digital weaknesses. We hope it won’t be as frustrating to deal with as its previous version for digital Temtem players. Moreover, this new behavior of the gear allows players to have a way to somehow resist Digital Techniques, which was a common request from the community.

Building Blocks
Turns to trigger have been reduced from 3 ⇒ 2.

Straw Shield
The holder needs to stay on the field for at least 2 consecutive turns for the effect to be able to trigger.
Straw Shield has definitely been one of the most used gear of patch 1.6.2 because of how strong it was. While we are very happy with the percentage of use of the gear, we felt that, because it required no set up from the players, the gear allowed for too many openers and could make a good pick & ban selection worthless for the player who did not run this gear. This change, while being simple, allows for more counter play from the opponent and requires more thought process from the player.

Bug Fixes
All platforms
  • Fixed that manually freeing players stuck in the Prison Quest in Co-op mode could lead to issues with their quest progression.
  • 👥 Fixed Tempedia filters excluding captured Umbra Tems when filtering it by type.
  • 👥 Fixed seeing all Temtem leveled up to 100 in Replays, even if they were a lower level.
  • Fixed being able to interact with the Lobby options while transitioning into the game credits, causing a huge overlap when returning to the game.
  • Fixed being able to invite players to battle when they haven’t finished a previous match.
  • Fixed being able to interact with chat messages while in a battle.
  • 👥 Fixed being able to report chat messages while in battle when choosing to whisper a player.
  • 👥 Fixed being unable to choose any lair node other than trading when suffering a reconnection with the UI open, forcing the tamer to choose the trade node to be able to advance in the lair.
  • Fixed not being able to see Galios’ stage changes because of the model overlapping in the Lair Boss battle.
  • Fixed Temtem’s HP not appearing as full when being traded in the Trade House if the seller had listed it with low HP.
  • 👥 Fixed a desync in Stamina when taking a Temtem out from battle.
  • Fixed not seeing Doom be applied when a Temtem with the Resilient trait and Talisman equipped attacks.
  • Fixed Stabmaster not triggering when Momo is nullified.
  • 👥 Fixed a wrong interaction between Viral Combustion and Voodoo if a tech that applied 2 Status Conditions was used.
  • Fixed seeing the Toxifier notice twice if the Tem used a Toxic technique while having Shuine’s Horn equipped.
  • Fixed Galios Doom’s animation appearing three times when a Temtem with Toxic Farewell in slot A gets knocked out.
  • Fixed seeing the notice for Fainted Curse after a Tem with that trait hits itself with Chain Lightning. Conditions for this bug are likely only happening in the Randomlocke mode.
  • Fixed not seeing the correct damage markers in an effective, multi-target technique if the partner of the receiving Tem is a Koish with the Iridiscence trait.
  • Fixed Arachnyte and Zaobian’s type changes not showing in the owning Tamer’s battle log.
  • Fixed not seeing Galios’ knocked-out animation nor its HP decreasing when it’s caused by damage made with a status condition.
  • 👥Fixed Hyperkinetic Strike not triggering Resilient under very specific circumstances.
  • Fixed a visual bug where Status Conditions appear in screen and queue after Resilient’s effects after the Resilient trait procs.
  • Fixed a visual bug that affected the Poisoned and Burned Status Conditions on a Tem with regenerating if there was a Tem with the Infectious trait on the field.
  • Fixed Firewall and Composure being marked as attack techniques when they aren’t.
  • Fixed not seeing the Club rewards’ UI if a team won a Dojo War ’cause no rival teams showed up.
  • Fixed Club banners not appearing during the battle outros in a competitive battle.
  • Fixed that, when reconnecting during an Evershifting Tower NPC defeat dialogue, the text will mention Pansuns instead of Synstars.
  • Fixed seeing the notice to swap versions of a cosmetic item from the Tamer Pass when pressing tab or R2 even on items that don’t have different versions.
  • Fixed seeing spectating players in the bleachers even after they’ve logged off.
  • Fixed an invisible barrier around Tucma’s big crystal.
  • Fixed a visual duplication in a Temtem’s portrait when hovering over them while switching pages in the TemDeck.
  • Fixed some visual issues that appear when a player crosses a bridge around Greenglen Forest.
  • Fixed some plants on Corrupted Badlands that didn’t display the correct textures.
  • Fixed seeing a bit of the floor on a rocky formation on Thalassian Cliffs.
  • 👥 Fixed some untranslated texts related to dates in the Tournaments and Dojo Wars’ UIs.
  • Fixed some dye names that weren’t translated.

Xbox Series S&X
  • Fixed seeing the maps of some buildings completely empty after checking the map of a floor on Evershifting Tower.

  • 👥Fixed running away from combat with 2 beats instead of 3 with the “Hold to run away from untamed battles” setting active.
  • 👥Fixed an NPC appearing as a black shadow in the Pillars of the Highabove.

Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server[discord.gg] and subreddit.

Recent Temtem Posts

about 18 hours ago - Tsukki
about 19 hours ago - Lucía Prieto
21 days ago - Tsukki