over 1 year
ago -
Lucía Prieto
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- The Ignoramus Cloack is no longer a unique item! You’ll be able to obtain a second one in the Pansun route.
- We’ve reviewed a very, very long list of emotes (49 on surfing board/skates, 31 sitting/espectating) so they can be used during spectating, sitting, surfing and crystal-skating! Try your favorite emotes to see if they made the list.
- Lair Bonuses will now increase depending on the group size, to make Lairs more attainable.
- 1-player Lairs will have 3 times the Bonuses, and 2-player Lairs will have twice the Bonuses.
- We’ve reduced the amount of Jewels needed to revive in some parts of the Mythical Lairs for all parties of 1 or 2 players.
- This will only take place once you’re in the second half of the Lair.
- Amount of Jewels needed
4⇒ 3.
- We’ve reduced the possibilities of getting Neutral or Crystal Tems in the Pansun Sanctum Lair.
- We’ve increased the possibilities of getting Water, Nature and Digital Tems in the Pansun Sanctum Lair.
- The Nature to Toxic bonus has been changed to Toxic to Nature in the Pansun Sanctum Lair.
- DEF and SPDEF of Lair Boss Galios has been reduced by a 15%.
- We’ve adjusted the scaling up of Jewels required in DigiLairs.
- As announced in 1.4, DigiLairs were going to require 1 extra Jewel, but unexpected implications caused the scaling to go haywire.
- You’ll be required 10 Jewels in base difficulty, and 13, 14, 16 and 18 as you increase the difficulty and rewards.
- The Umbra Radar price for some species has been adjusted, in this case, decreased.
- Please note: Hidody’s Umbra Radar price will be adjusted in the future.
All platforms
- Fixed a hard lock when using synergy Swarm Aid if the Temtem was under 50% of their health.
- Fixed a softlock in Lairs if another Lair player disconnects.
- Fixed a softlock when using the Piercing Wheel technique with Mimit in the Randomlocke mode.
Fixed a softlock when using the Rotten Goo technique with Mimit in the Randomized and Randomlocke modes.
- Fixed a softlock when evolving a Tem before leaving the Lab in the Randomized and Randomlocke modes.
- Fixed a soft lock in DigiLairs caused by Trades being accepted.
- Fixed a softlock caused by being able to start a battle against the DigiLair’s boss if you had no valid Temtem in your squad.
Fixed a black screen if the player receives a Tem through trade in a Lair if their Squad was already full.
- Fixed a black screen if the player suffers a reconnect at the same time a fishing encounter pops up.
- Fixed getting stuck seeing the Backpack if you were intercepted by a Laser in the Cipanku Dojo, and a lot of consequential malfunctioning.
Fixed Lair Offering Nodes always requesting and rewarding the same type of elements.
Fixed the FreeTem! Kudo that wasn’t completing properly.
Fixed not seeing the entry pop-up for new zones under certain circumstances, and thus those zones not counting for the Explorer Kudo.
- Fixed some Weekly Challenges not being progressed by encounters in an Umbra Radar until the player relogged. It will now properly track your progress.
Fixed some instances where the weekly Koish quest wasn’t being completed properly for some players.
- Fixed some Techniques with recoil not showing properly in game, and the Tem appearing to stay alive after using it. This was the case for Kinu’s Sacrifice.
- Fixed that once-per-battle Gears could re-activate after Galios revives thanks to its traits.
- Fixed Shuine’s Horn not changing the Toxic type techniques into Water type techniques.
Fixed 0b10’s Source Replicator not activating when the ally joins the battle carrying the Morale-Boosting Whip.
Fixed Galios reviving through any of its Traits despite Tyranak’s Intimidator being active at the time.
- Fixed Mimit becoming untargetable if it dies to Doom while being transformed into Galios.
Fixed Hedgine’s Going away gift trait not activating if the Hedgine had fainted due to damage caused by anything other than Techs.
Fixed Vitamin Complex activating on the wrong turn. It will now activate on turn 3. Its description has also been fixed
Fixed the health recovery desync for the Swarm Aid syngery on any ally that is not Waspeen.
Fixed that Gears that are activated upon entry are only being announced during the first turn of combat.
Fixed Galios’ Traits changing in Showdown if they had been triggered during the previous combat.
Fixed some invalid techniques in Shuine’s preset kit in Showdown.
Fixed the game’s AI considering Electromagnetism a positive Technique.
Fixed being unable to see the Details section of any egg created between certain subtypes of Chromeon and Koish.
Fixed losing the strength/weakness indicator on Temtem the player had registered as Umbra.
- Fixed not seeing the right amount of Umbra in the Tamer Info of another player.
Fixed some Unique bonuses stacking during Lairs.
Fixed Chromeon and Koish losing their sub-typing if we traded them during a Lair.
Fixed being able to spam Trade requests to an user currently in battle in a Lair.
Fixed being able to close the Shop for another Player in a Lair if a trade request was sent and canceled.
Fixed seeing your Temdeck empty after opening it following a Lair where you had initiated a Trade.
- Fixed a situation where players wouldn’t be able to see the Trade UI if they had quickly cancelled and sent a new Trade request.
- Fixed not seeing a Tem as the selectable DigiLair boss if we already have both the Umbra and Luma version for that Tem.
Fixed that reconnecting during the Safari activity will make our equipped Gears not show during the rest of the activity.
Fixed the Fusion and Fomuball emotes visually disappearing from a player’s Inventory when in a Co-op party.
- Fixed being able to skip a quest of the Main Story, which would then lock the player out of using the Matter Transfer Drones.
Fixed being able to skip some battles after the Lochburg cinematic if you’re retrying it.
- Fixed being unable to properly navigate a Tem’s moveset with a keyboard or a controller if the Tem is missing a Tech.
Fixed the NICE bug that caused the Goolder mount to walk wonky after walking through inclines.
- Fixed an error if the player suffers a reconnection while scrolling through their Inventory.
- Fixed the very funny bug where characters would get an enlarged head while playing an emote.
Fixed the Shining Colors Seal not reproducing and causing the Temtem intro animation in battle to be skipped.
Fixed the Soundwaves Seal not reproducing its sound effects.
Fixed some distortion on Saipat’s head.
Fixed some missing textures in the walls of Telobos, and the Sea-Queen’s Aquarium.
- Fixed two housing layouts (Cozy space floorplan and Comfy corner layout) were showing wrong corners, wrong walls and the bright pink color of default assets.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server and subreddit.