a friend got the game for me when it came out - i had this issue back then, while he did not - i couldnt see any player moving, i couldnt see him moving. whenever he found something and said "look what i found HERE!" ,i was asking every time "WHERE the hell is HERE?" it was frustrating like nothing else.
times changed, i got a new computer, new internet but reinstalling temtem gave me the same issue - nobody is moving! it feels like a solo game with the only connection to people via chatbox. A gamebreaking bug for multiplayer experience that is ongoing for TWO years now.
i dun want to pay for a vpn in hope that cheap game **might** be sort of working. it should not be the resposiblity of the player to fix a game they paid for. but this company simply isnt doing it.
My suggestion is - fix your broken game!