almost 5 years
ago -
Guillermo Andrades
Direct link
- Enabled pansun rewards on ranked matchmaking battles.
- Trait and Gear signs will now only appear once when using a multi-target technique.
- The taskbar icon for Temtem will now flash when a ranked match is found.
- Fixed a desynchronization between the server and the client when a Temtem got knocked-out by the effect of a Status condition. This caused multiple problems since the Temtem was in a Schrödinger situation being both healthy and knocked-out.
- Fixed Guardian trait not being triggered when the partner got Cold.
- Fixed Battle Log only displaying stages up to +4 / -4.
- Fixed Receptive not being triggered when receiving the Alerted status condition.
- Fixed egg timers stopping when playing a ranked battle.
- Fixed Temtem entering into battle not being displayed on their correct Temcard where they were captured.
- Fixed FreeTem not updating the inventory when getting Smoke bombs as a reward.
- Fixed Barnshe’s AI trying to use Bamboozle on themselves even when having the Neutrality trait and being immune to it.
- Fixed following Temtem appearing during the prison quest.
- Fixed Battle Log being triggered while trying to perform a hotkey while using a gamepad.
- Fixed a visual bug displaying an incorrect STA value after attacking with both Tems.
- Fixed Toxic Farewell description displaying an incorrect amount of Poison turns.
- Fixed ranked victories not being displayed when inspecting a player (or yourself).
- Fixed Battle Log not displaying the proper Tamer name when a player was spectating.
- Fixed following Temtem not appearing after using a Smoke Bomb when surfing/skating.
- Fixed a soft lock when using the miniTemporium in the Tucma mines.
- Fixed being able to sit in a specific chair with boxes on Zadar.
- Fixed certain traits or gears (like Plethoric) blocking the runaway action until their triggers were fully displayed.
- Fixed players getting stuck between two NPC’s in the Xolot Reservoir.
- Fixed Friends UI being empty after a friend disconnected from the game.
- Fixed a visual bug causing doors not opening for other players when having network lag.
- Fixed a visual bug causing seeing other players walking during a hook trajectory when having network lag.
- Fixed remote players being incorrectly placed on crystal areas when entering or exiting an area.
- Fixed map areas incorrectly being loading after exiting a battle near the first Narwhal dock.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the icon are originally suggested, inspired by or reported by our community in our Forums.