over 4 years ago - YaW - Direct link
Making a game is an incredibly hard and huge task. There are so many things involved in the process and a team our size can hardly manage to achieve every single of them correctly.

We love developing games, we love to think about and implement new mechanics, we love listening to the community and shaping the game how you want. But there’s so much more involved in the process that is not really developing the game: marketing, contacting distributors, merchandising, reaching out to streamers and sites, talking to platform holders…

That’s why we’ve decided to partner with Humble to publish Temtem.

Partnering with Humble allows us to focus on Temtem’s development while they handle all the other task in which they excel: bring the game to even more platforms, secure more merchandising opportunities or even get physical editions of the game, while also reaching a bigger audience which will benefit the game in the long run.

They’re also fully committed to giving us creative freedom so Temtem will be exactly how we want it to be.