about 1 month
ago -
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Temtem has reached the 2 million mark on users!
How incredible is this? Thank you so much for making it possible, and for loving our game as much as we do!

Back when we were developing Temtem we wouldn't have believed you if you'd told us one day there'd be a million, let alone TWO millions of you. From the original Kickstarter Backers to the PSPlus friends we've made recentely, we're incredibly overjoyed that so many people have shared their time with our game, not to mention enjoyed it! Thank you, Tamers
Here's to Temtem up, forever! 🥂
How incredible is this? Thank you so much for making it possible, and for loving our game as much as we do!

Back when we were developing Temtem we wouldn't have believed you if you'd told us one day there'd be a million, let alone TWO millions of you. From the original Kickstarter Backers to the PSPlus friends we've made recentely, we're incredibly overjoyed that so many people have shared their time with our game, not to mention enjoyed it! Thank you, Tamers
Here's to Temtem up, forever! 🥂