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Despite having unlocked ALL skills I still have 2 skill points left over and the CONSTANT notification New Skill unlock available at the Base of Operations on the screen no matter what activity Im doing.

Anyone else having the same thing?
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello Agents,

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this. I'll report it to the development team. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Thanks for the update on this.

I also have this issue in my game so I know how frustrating it can be

I'll pass this over to the team for investigation.

In the meantime, could you please provide an image from your inventory showing the notification and another image showing all of the skills unlocked?
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Thanks for the report guys! The TD2 team is looking into this bug.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
This issue should be fixed.

If you are still encountering this please submit a support ticket with a description of the issue and provide some screenshots or a video and we will investigate further.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey folks,

Can you provide any screenshots or video of it appearing in your games? I will pass it onto the team to look into further.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey Trippul G,

This is an issue that has previously thought to have been resolved.

As this has come about again, the team are requesting new evidence.