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Found my tech build which is using Caesar's Guard to be lacking in damage, and to my surprise when i finally saw it, every single stat besides the brand bonus and talent are missing, even the armor and core! These missing stats are reflected in the stats viewer.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey everyone! Sorry for the delayed response!

For starters, since this doesn't seem uncommon and we're seeing a few platforms I'm going to go ahead and report this.

@PacketInc @Kravalll @Spinax22

Thank you all of you for the images! And thank you @PDGoose for mentioning you're seeing this on PlayStation as well!


I appreciate the extra details about others seeing stats now but with a different core, I've made note of that for the team to look into. Also going to attach the report about this happening with the Prophet so we can see if these are possibly caused by the same thing or just a strange coincidence.

Thanks again everyone! I'm forwarding all this to the team now. ⚡

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @XxDrMeeseeksxX @Delta-03-Live apologies for the late response.

@XxDrMeeseeksxX Thanks for the update, I'm pleased to hear the issue is resolved.

@Delta-03-Live to confirm is the issue now resolved for you?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

Hey everyone! Apologies for any confusion caused. We are still investigating this issue. The team was unable to reproduce this, and would to gather more information from players still experiencing this issue.

  • Does this issue occur on multiple Caesar's Guard, or only on the reported one?
  • Where was the item looted from? (Ex: Summit, Countdown, etc)
  • Does equipping the item change the player's total attributes?

If you are able to provide this information, I can get it passed over to the team. Many thanks!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Nova - Direct link

Hey @maeltz,

Just to confirm, did you get the gear prior via Countdown as well, or somewhere else?