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I played the countdown 4 times for almost an hour and every time the game crashed during the last hunter part and I was left with 0 countdown requisition currency when I logged back in again. It should technically be around 800 if it didn't crash.

Can you guys make the currency available after each task is complete so that even if the game crashes in between we get the currency for at least whatever we have completed? or it would be great if some other solution can be figured out for this issue.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @LittleBullSheit

I'm sorry to hear you have lost out on a lot of currency due to the crashes. I think awarding the currency in between tasks is a good idea. I can't promise changes will be made to that, but I will forward the suggestion to the game team and explain why that would be beneficial.

If you would like any help with troubleshooting the cause of the crashes, we would ideally need to look into your system files (DX Diag and MSINFO) to get a better look at what could be the cause.

To send us the files, please reach out via support ticket / live chat or social media private message on the links below:

Live Chat (when available)

Twitter Direct Message

Facebook Private Message

If contacting on Twitter or Facebook messages, please provide your account username and email, so we can link the chat to a support case so you can attach the files. 

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @Traumahawk

I've merged your thread with this one that I saw yesterday. I have forwarded on the suggestion for making the points obtainable after each task rather than right at the end.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Traumahawk

When you get automatically teleported back to the Whitehouse, it is most likely a desync with your Countdown group. The game teleports you back to the Whitehouse in order to prevent a full crash or disconnect which could lead to item loss or data corruption for your agent.

During the times that you have had this happen, do you recall if your Countdown teammates were connected from other regions? It may be difficult to tell unless you were able to communicate with them in chat or verbally.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @LittleBullSheit

Yeah that would work too. I've edited the suggestion report to include it too.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@Traumahawk Gotcha. It sounds like the issue is what @Ubi-SleepyGoat was explaining above. However, just in case, I'm going to link our connectivity guide so if you want to, you can give it a try and see if it helps with this issue. Thank you!