Re: [Man of Mystery - Escort Tarben back to Settlement bug](/topic/81328/man-of-mystery-escort-tarben-back-to-settlement-bug)
Hi all, I have another really annoying bug in this mission, it's not a matter of Tarben not following me or getting stuck etc as per the older thread, my issue is that I cant drop him off at the settlement. I've followed back to the marker, but the mission just won't end, it's like a cut scene or dialogue should trigger or something, but it doesn't.
The issue is then, whatever else I do, where ever else I go, he just follows me. I've played hours since trying to finish this mission, but I just can't end it. I've tried everything, going and doing other stuff, going to other places, etc, etc, but he's constantly with me, and each time I try and return him to the "settlement", it just doesn't work. It's really driving me mad now, HELP Ubisoft!!!
Oh worthy of note : the bug originally manifest on PS4, since the bug first happened I got a PS5, have migrated my play through over to that platform, and the issue is still there!