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So, as I was finishing the last mystery in Vinland where you go hunting with some other characters, at some point the main character for the quest died by another animal but I managed to follow the other guys to the big cat you defeat at the end. Now back at the camp the main guy spawns dead, and the quest doesnโ€™t count as complete but the dead body of the animal you hunt is there, and canโ€™t restart the quest or do anything with the dead guy.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @DarthPhoenix501

Thank you for reaching out to us with this!

This issue has already been reported to the team, but they're still looking into it at the moment.

I've passed your details onto them as part of this so please watch this space for any news or if there's any more information we need.

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @DarthPhoenix501

Thank you for reaching out to us with this!

This issue has already been reported to the team, but they're still looking into it at the moment.

I've passed your details onto them as part of this so please watch this space for any news or if there's any more information we need.

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @DarthPhoenix501

Thank you for reaching out to us with this!

This issue has already been reported to the team, but they're still looking into it at the moment.

I've passed your details onto them as part of this so please watch this space for any news or if there's any more information we need.

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @DarthPhoenix501!

The development team have been taking a closer look at your report, and would like some more information from you to help with reproducing the issue.

Do you remember what animal killed the NPC? Did this happen during the quest, or was the NPC dead prior to taking part in the quest? Can you please provide us with as much information about your experience with this quest, "Breaking Teeth, Not Hearts," as possible?

If possible, are you able to load an earlier save to see if it will allow you to progress as the quest with the NPC alive?

Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜Š

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @pejotpe and @Milrren and welcome to the forums!

Sorry to hear you're also experiencing this issue in 'Breaking Teeth, Not Hearts' mystery and thank you for describing this issue. Our team is still investigating the problem.

In the meantime, could you please record a short video showing this issue and share a link with us? It will greatly help us with the investigation! Please also make sure that your current save files are uploaded to the cloud ๐Ÿ˜Š