Its been 3 weeks now, can barely play at all. I play since release and always played on US East with great ping, between 30ms to 50ms it always logs me on US West and some times in Central with insane latency over 200ms. Delays are insanely bad. Whats going on? This never happened before. And problems are only for this game, other games play great.
Originally Posted by LunaticSlave777Hey LunaticSlave,
Its been 3 weeks now, can barely play at all. I play since release and always played on US East with great ping, between 30ms to 50ms it always logs me on US West and some times in Central with insane latency over 200ms. Delays are insanely bad. Whats going on? This never happened before. And problems are only for this game, other games play great.
Sorry to hear you're having issues.
Please attempt the following troubleshooting steps to see if they help improve your connection.