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When I first loaded and played the TU10 update, I was getting proficiency caches with each SHD level-up as stated in the patch notes. However, this evening playing open world, I leveled up twice with no proficiency caches. The only difference I can notice between the two play sessions, is that in the original session I has some unopened caches all ready in my inventory before I started. At the end of that session I opened all the caches. During tonight's session my cache inventory was zero at the start, I have picked up another clan cache, I will hold on to it and see if that changes anything.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Thank you for reporting this issue to us.
We have forwarded this for investigation.
To help with the investigation please provide the following information:

What level were you when experiencing the issue?
Were you in a group when the issue occurred?
Did you have any directives active?
Did the issue occur on a boosted character?
What is your season level when the issue occurred?
over 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
Originally Posted by ElBiggus
You need to read the patch notes more carefully: Added Field Proficiency cache to SHD level-up after reaching the maximum season level.
Thanks for the clarification, ElBiggus! If anyone else runs into this issue, please don't hesitate to add the requested information to this thread, so we can look into this further.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by vm4M9Tz4pB
i didn't have such issue, i have this cache after reaching LV100, like what the official updates said
This is good to hear vm4M9Tz4pB

If you have any trouble in the future just let us know