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Having problems with the Worksite community side mission in downtown west, just as I killed the last enemy, the friendly npc that I'm meant to speak to in order to progress the mission also died. Did not give me a mission fail but also cant progress the mission. Tried restarting game, the mission is still active on the map but when I go to the area the mission will not start up.
almost 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey gravitysupreme, this has been reported.

Dj8714, this is a connection error code. Please try these troubleshooting steps for this.

Also, moving to our Division 2 forums.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
Originally Posted by Anamalech
I am having the same issue with this mission. Thermite is available for the first 2 crates, but not the second 3 crates. Any update on how to fix/

Sorry to hear this, I can confirm this is a known issue which has been reported and the development team are currently investigating this in more detail.

As soon we have an update on this we will communicate it.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Bandicoot - Direct link
Originally Posted by SewerTroll
I am having the same issue with this mission. Thermite is available for the first 2 crates, but not the second 3 crates.
Sorry to hear this, please check my above post for an update
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Originally Posted by itsthedragon85
Ubi/Massive I am also having issues with a side mission, I have seen other having the same issue with this mission. I’ve posted about this before and didn’t hear any reply or have seen it fixed. The said Misson in question, is the “Missing Wire Savagers” once you free the NPC and go to flip the switch. Once you flip the switch the enemies, do not spawn and the misson doesn’t progress. I have done everything possible on my end to get it to work, but to no avail.
Please let me know if this ever be looked at. As it is my only side mission left, and it’s keeping me from 100% game compeletion. Oh, I am a PS4 user.
This issue is under investigation and we hope to have it resolved in a future patch.

At present, we have no further information, regretfully.
almost 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Originally Posted by oatsmania
Sorry just to confirm, When you mentioned a future patch as it's been over a month now since we been having this issue with the 3 crates on Potomac Relief isn't it addressed in the patch that's coming out next week? There's allot of people on all platforms having this issue and i'm surprised it's not been fixed previously. I can't complete the game until this get's resolved. A future patch isn't good though that could mean next year. We as a customer has spend good money on this game and some feel feel ignored like myself. Thanks
I'm sorry to hear you feel ignored and I appreciate you're looking for further information but at present, we do not have more information on the issue.

I apologise for this.