Hey @Metroid_Meister and @luigispcrew , thanks for your reports about this.
I understand it can be difficult to take screenshots with various blocks on where and when screenshots can be taken on console - sorry for the confusion over this thus far. In lieu of this, though, it'd be great if you could just point your phone at your screen and take some pictures this way. Ideally, we'd want one showing the challenge's criteria being met in-game (such as all the viewpoints being activated), and then another showing the challenge not being completed in the Connect Overlay. Again, this can be most easily done by just taking a picture with your phone, pointing it at your display.
In addition, sometimes challenges can have trouble unlocking due to network restrictions - although you can appear to be fully connected to a service, there may still be something getting in the way of some aspects of a service. As such, please have a look through our connectivity troubleshooting, and in particular make sure you've power cycled your console, gone wired if possible, reset all your network hardware, and worked with your ISP to make sure you've got UPnP enabled on your router.
If the issue persists after those steps, please get us some pictures as described above, as these will help us to get this investigated more efficiently. Thanks!