THE FINALS Dev Tracker

24 Feb

Starting March 7, Embark Studios will hold a two-week closed beta for THE FINALS. Join the first wave of contestants in the ultimate virtual combat game show and play the exciting, team-based, free-to-play shooter that pushes environmental dynamism, destruction, and player freedom to the limits.

Sign up for the BETA Now!

To get a handle on what’s waiting for you, take a look at the latest gameplay trai... Read more

23 Feb

03 Feb

24 Dec

09 Nov

27 Sep

The first closed playtest of THE FINALS is just days away, and we’ve got a smoking hot pre-alpha gameplay trailer here to help celebrate it! Check it out for a taste of what’s coming!

Excited? Hungry for devastation and fame? Well if you live in Europe or North America, you’ve got a shot at joining our Closed Alpha test, scheduled to start on September 29th! Coming up FAST, isn’t it? At least you know what you’re doing this weekend!

Sign up for the playtest Now! ... Read more

26 Aug

The World Is Watching…

Congratulations, Contestants! Your time has finally come.

THE FINALS® are waiting. Let’s see what you’ve got!

The world’s greatest virtual sport, THE FINALS®, has a spot available, and it’s for you.

We already know you’ll be amazing, but what KIND of contender will you be? Will you choose to go in guns blazing, laying down a waterfall of hot lead alongside your teammates? Or will you be a lone wolf, katana in hand, dicing your rivals from the shadows?

Or perhaps you’re a demolitionist at heart? After all, our arenas aren’t just built for looks – each one is jam-packed with dynamic environmental objects and destructive potential.

Whichever approach you take, just know that your enemies will demand the best, and the world will demand even more - you’ll ne... Read more