They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

27 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by herrerik: Well the crash bug has been reported since at least a year back, and still no fix, so reporting it isnt the solution. Fixing the bug would be.

It keeps crashing for me as well. Gotta do manual saves and set timer so I dont loose too much gametime and backup of game folder. Which is what the devs dont want. Which is what we need to do since they dont fix the bug.

Sorry for the bitter tone, but the devs inaction on serious problems with the game is getting annoying.


Please say to me what is the thread in the Bug reporting subforum

Thanks in advance.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We answer all the support we recieve via mail or via STEAM forum. Please, if you can, feel free to contact me by my email address [email protected]

You also have the option to make a thread in the bug reporting forum --->>

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JustStatler: The game keeps freezing in Survival. Have had this problem for almost a year now but never could be bothered to report it. 50% of the games I start at 500% end frozen with only option to restart the computer. Any ideas?


Have you tried to report it in the proper part of the forum? Big mayority of the bugs can be fixed.

Please, make a post in this forum section to be helped ------->>



24 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Boomer: Every single game is the same garbo. Spawn me right next to a city of zeds and let them wipe me out inside 30 minutes. This is ♥♥♥♥ gameplay especially when the alerts only work half the time. Say what you will this game is not hard, it is broken.


Please, remember that you can enable the option. --->>

And follow the good tips from @herrerik



22 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by iniquitatem in interitum:
Originally posted by Gomez: Hello,

If the game crashes you should have your saved game backup that the game creates automatically every 20 minutes.

If you are taling about the non save option inside the game, Iron man mode is a game feature. This option has been largerly discussed here. You can use the search tool to check those threads.



I did end up having a recent enough saved game but, ...
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21 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by iniquitatem in interitum: What is the reason this developer seems so hell bent on creating an exercise of frustration removing a very and rudimentary feature in almost every game since windows 98? Anyone who actually cares can open the game up and do whatever they'd like anyways. What is the benefit besides causing needless frustration?


If the game crashes you should have your saved game backup that the game creates automatically every 20 minutes.

If you are taling about the non save option inside the game, Iron man mode is a game feature. This option has been largerly discussed here. You can use the search tool to check those threads.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, use the proper part of the forum made for bug report.

Make a new thread there where you will be help by the Dev Team.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

20 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi again,

Good to know it's working fine for you now.

Best regards.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Gilroy Oombof: Ah... That is too bad since Origin has very little in the way of tech support and I rely on the steam community for support when games on other launchers don't work lol. Thanks all the same for your swift answer :).


You have the email option to ask for your issues. Send an email to [email protected]



16 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, use the proper part of the forum made for bug reporting. Check here --->>

In order to keep a clearer and more useful forum make a new thread similar to this there and Dev Team will help you.

You should add in this new thread the ZXLog lines after your game crashes. This file usually is in the path Documents/My Games/They are Billions.

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, use the proper part of the forum made for bug reporting. Check here --->>

In order to keep a clearer and more useful forum make a new thread similar to this there and Dev Team will help you.

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 死 Harmonic: They have ruined any fun i have in this game. They are BUGGY and stupidly coded and make no sense. They can ruin a decent game in a blink of an eye aggroing from literally across 1/4th of the map, and when you actually want to aggro them you have to actually hit them manually? Map RNG is bad enough with the other factors they have to add this stupidity in it


Mutants behavior is being changed for the next game version. You also can test them in the Test Branch.



P.s: Please, we really thank good manners in your posts.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you use After Burner or Riva-Tuner Statistics Server?


14 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

@G4MR_Hamster did you open a thread when you started to suffering the issue? Did we asked to you for copying the lines in your ZXLog after the crash?

ZXLog file usually is in the path Documents/My Games/They are Billions



13 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by PeLeSki: The first time I played this I was inadequately tech'd and the zombies were stacking so great on the bridge, were overflowing into the train track. Once I redid with shock towers I never saw that issue again


I have checked several times with the biggest amount of zombies (Apocalypse level) and trying to contain the most time and amount all the time. None zombie appeared in the train track side.

Do you know how i can reproduce the issue?

Thanks in advance.


09 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr Happy Penguin: After playing on the test version for a while, I say mutants are still overpowered. They prevent you from using different strategies. On the higher population difficulty, the only winning strategy is to spam snipers the moment you get them researched.

I think another issue is there's too much rng in survival to properly balance mutants. Often there's no room to build, so you're stuck with no gold income, and you cannot expand because there's a mutant in every direction. Maybe reduce the number that spawn per map?


We have taken note and the muntan behavior will be checked and modifed again.

Thanks for your report.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Qiox:
Originally posted by Gomez: Hello,

This options is not possible to implement.


Sorry to say, but it is already implemented! Odd how few players realize how.

1) Select a group of mixed units.

2) Hit the little down arrow thingy to drop 1 unit out of the selection. The unit dropped will always be a non-vet so long as there are any non-vets in the selection.

3) When the portrait switches to that of a vet,...
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07 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

This options is not possible to implement.
