They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

25 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DOOF WAGON: I'm sorry, I've already started a new one. The map had a very large, very long mountain range spanning from the very South to the very North. The mountains prevented going to the Eastern side of the map, with just a small passage in the middle that led through it. The Giant was stuck in the mountain range near the southern end of the map.

Hi again,

Don't worry about that. Could you please take screenshots and report it again in a new thread if you suffer this issue again?

Thanks in advance.


24 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Abcsam: So i got a new pc and when i started TAB it wanted to instal SimDX?


As @Shin Shin said before SlimDx is Navite C++ library neede to play TAB, so you can install it without problem. Check if your OS is 32 or 64 bits and install the proper version of it.

Thanks so much all for your answers.

Kind regards.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This issue will be fixed for the next update of the game.

Thanks so much.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HOOOFARTED: When you load up the game and are looking at the title sceeen in the bottom right corner is "view changes" when you click that it takes you to Version changes screen. Scroll down to version 0.8 and in the part about FLAT MODE the word "mountain" is missing the letter N and the sentence that follows reads " mou_tains and forests are drawn as a colored cell so it is easier to see what is behind OF them which is grammatcially incorrect. Remove the word OF and youre good.
Love the game cant wait for more content.


Our dev team will fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks so much for your report. We really appreciate it.

Best regards!
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We are glad to read you now can play the game properly.

Enjoy it.

Kind regards.

23 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Notomo:
Originally posted by Gomez: Hello,

Maybe is an silly question but is your installed OS 32bit or 64? Have you tried in install the other executable?

64 bit, and yes I tried the 32 don't remember what it did but it didn't work. However I finally got it to work, I again un-installed and this time re-downloaded/installed onto my ssd drive and I did not get an error msg on first launch. I also didn't see the slimdx installer launch but the game...
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    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by DOOF WAGON: I'm in the Frost map, and have killed everybody and survived the last wave, but there's an Infected Giant who's stuck in a mountain range. I can't target him with anybody. Any advice?


If you still have the saved game, could you please attach here a screenshot of the situation?

Thanks in advance.


22 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HOOOFARTED: Thought you might wanna know


Could you please explain it better or attach a screenshot?

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, check if you also have any kind of real time scan from antivirus. This is really important.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ell1ps1s: I keep crashing on GTX 960M and it refuses to run


Make your new post in the proper part of the forum dedicated to it. Here --->>

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

P.S: By the way im using this same gpu in my regular pc and its working totally fine.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Maybe is an silly question but is your installed OS 32bit or 64? Have you tried in install the other executable?

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Your score will be posted in the concrete scoreboard of the map you are playing, if your saved game is from the weekly challenge of the last week and you finish it (winning or lossing) your score will be post in its score board.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, for bug reporting use the specific part of the forum made for it. Check here --->>

Thanks so much.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by yms3814:
Originally posted by Gomez:


Please, copy the lines in your log file after the freeze and before launch the game again. This file usually is in the path Documents/My games/They are billions.
Let us know what version of windows are you using.



오전 12:50 - Log Start
오전 12:50 - Main - Log Start
오전 12:50 - DXGame: Focused Changed to True
오전 12:50 - DXGame: Visible Changed to True
오전 12...
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21 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by itsTWOTAP: When is the game leaving EA? When I played this game some time ago I ♥♥♥♥ing loved it, and would like to give it another shot when it leaves EA. :D


If you are asking for an ETA, for now there is not ETA, just work in progress. Anyway how other users in this same thread said before wame can be played now and you will get a lot of fun playing it. Since some time ago Map Editor is active and there are a lot of very good map made by other users. Maybe you can check them.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a bug. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks for your report.

Kind regards.
    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by amordron:
Originally posted by Gomez:

With a normal setting in your monitor you should be able to play that map without problems. You maybe can check your monitor manual configuration and your gpu setting.



The game should have its own settings for that reason there is no reason a person should have to change there monitors settings to be able to play a map. The GAME should be configuring its brightness to your mo...
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    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Notomo:
Originally posted by Gomez: Hello,

Hello, this is a issue with your oS. Please, try to make a manual installation as administrator.



The option to run as admin is grayed out even thought I am signed in as admin, I can run other programs as admin but not the SlimDXRuntime_x64 installer I also tried running the installslimdx application which only runs for a few seconds and does not seem to do anything.

... Read more

18 Jan

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Javalad: I did use the search function, obviously not using the correct phrase.
The first map is obviously the one I have a problem with, but as I haven't managed to win on the required %. I can't progress to the next map.


With a normal setting in your monitor you should be able to play that map without problems. You maybe can check your monitor manual configuration and your gpu setting.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm answering you in the thread you did in Bug Reporting subforum.

