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The back of my car is blank black screen. In every video I see on the internet, there is speedometer on back of every Trackmania (2020) car. I looked through detailed pricing, but did not find any mention of the speedometer being a paid feature. Is the speedometer a paid feature? Opponent ghost cars also lack the speed display. It might be making the game unnecessarily tougher for me. Please help me.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there guys,

Thanks for the advice here @TheBigMiike !

@sushrey1999 - as you've marked it as the solution, may we know how you're getting on?

Are you using an AMD GPU?

It does seem related to the oversized graphics issue, so we'll keep an eye on this and see if there's changes when that's resolved.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Thanks for confirming @sushrey1999!

So the team is looking into this issue at this time. We have heard someone was able to workaround the issue by changing texture quality in game so that could be worth a shot for the time being while this is being investigated!