Original Post — Direct link

I am unable to play the tutorials every time I try to play it shows 'Device Removed(Driver_Internal_Error)' Though I can still play Campaigns. Please help I have attached the photo of what comes when I try to play tutorials.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hiya @Whnsiq! Welcome to the forums!

I see this was a duplicate post so I went ahead and deleted the other post so we can keep everything consolidated to one post.

I'm sorry you're running into this error! Let's go ahead and start with some general troubleshooting. If you're still running into this, can you let us know when you first noticed the issue?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @BigLoulou05!

If the basic troubleshooting did not resolve this for you, we will need to collect copies of your basic system files.

You can send those to the Team by opening a one-on-one support ticket and attaching them there!

Once that is done, please let me know so I can review them. This should let me see what is causing this error for you.