Original Post — Direct link
So my dad, sister and I just wanted to play together, but for my dad there where no Server. My sister can normally conect, but my dad doesn´t even see the server. Can anybody help me?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by jzi3m
So my dad, sister and I just wanted to play together, but for my dad there where no Server. My sister can normally conect, but my dad doesn´t even see the server. Can anybody help me?
Hey jzi3m,

Thanks for reaching out, welcome to forums and I am sorry to hear about the issue you ran into.

Just to double-check, have you possibly tried to ask your dad to create server instead, and see if it appears on your list? Also, to double-check, are you all connected through the same WiFi and do you all have the same access? Let us know!
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
No problem toto9910 thanks for the update!

We always recommend disabling VPN services when playing our games for reasons like this, thanks for confirming this what was causing the issue and I am happy to see you were able to get online with your family