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keyboard player here. I've recently encoutered a steering issue after drifting. It seems to appear when I steer to the right during or after a drift but occurences are pretty random. The wheels get blocked in neutral position and I get stuck like this for a few seconds before it reacts normally back again.
This doesn't occur when I drift left, and I note it happens only on road blocks.

I checked the game files on ubisoft connect and the bug is still there. I checked my control binds but everything looks normal. I also switched the map, same thing happens after some drift tries.

Thx for helping 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @Doward7 , thanks for sending across this report! I'm a keyboard player myself, and can't say I've noticed this, but I'd certainly like to make sure we investigate.

Can you tell me if you've noticed this more on specific maps, or at specific points in those maps? you'd mentioned it happens only on road blocks, but are you able to be more specific about when you've noticed it?

Are you able to say how often this happens? Dyu reckon it'd be often enough that you could reliably record it happening in a video?

With this information, we'll be better able reproduce the issue on our side, which is the first step to potentially fixing it. Thanks once again for your report, and let me know if I can clarify these questions 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link


Gotcha! Sorry to hear the keyboard is giving you trouble, but hopefully you won't have further issues trying on another keyboard or after resolving the issue with your current one. Keep us posted if the issue persists!