Original Post — Direct link

Hi! In my opinion Camera 2 during Reactor Boost Up should be changed to behave more like Camera 1 in that situation.

Basically whenever I (as a Cam 2 driver) come across a Reactor Boost Up I have to change to Cam 1, as I can't see where I am going with Cam 2. This happens for example at the end of Fall 2022 - 25. I know not a single player who likes to use Cam 2 during Reactor Up. Why can't the camera behave similarly to Cam 2 without Reactor Boost, where it just points in the direction of the car?

Best regards,

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @BourbonKid3000,

Thank you for reaching out to us and raising this.

Would it be possible to please capture some clips of the behaviour you're referring to, so we have a point of reference to pass your feedback onto the game team?

Much appreciated!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Clem - Direct link

Hey guys @BourbonKid3000 & @shoeylacy ,

I have forwarded the feedback to the game team.

I will not be able to disclose any of the result coming from it, but I assure you that it has been submitted.

If you have any queries in the future, do not hesitate and reach out at any time 😊