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Bug video:


Bug description:
At the start of every cup of the day round, the engine sounds are cut off repeatedly (see video above).

Possible explanation:
A problem with too few sound channels on the mainboard? Seems to happen when the amount of other players exceed 32.

This was already reported over a year ago and is apparently known to the developers???

This bug is hugely important to fix since gear management becomes impossible at the start of maps.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @maniamaster_tm ,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

This is something that has already been reported to the team and is currently being investigated.

I've passed your report onto the team though while they continue to look into this and if we have any updates we'll let you know!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@maniamaster_tm Hello! This issue is still being investigated by the team. It's not an easy fix on their end, but they are continuing to look into it. We apologize for the inconvenience caused in the meantime! Thank you!