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So as of right now I have 34 AT medals (all 25 Winter 2023, and all totd ATs exept for Violacei Lapides, 08.01.2023). If I click on garage and view my author medal prestige skin it says I have "29 Medals in official tracks" while I have 34. Due to this I haven't unlocked the prestige lvl 2 skin for the at skin.
I asked on the Trackmania discord and they told me to restart the game, so it might work, but unfortunatly it didnt fix my issue. For the bronze, silver and gold skin, the counting works kinda fine but not completly and I have unlucked lvl 4 for bronze, lvl 3 for silver and lvl 2 for gold (31 medals) while I have 34 ATs and therefore I should have 34 golds aswell, right?
However, I unlucked 5 ATs after the 24h of totd were over, so I guess there might be an issue with that. On the TM discord I got the information that aquiring an AT after the 24h still counts, as long as I get them in the Winter season (which I obv did).
If needed I can share some screenshots of my AT medals aswell

Please fix the counting so I can use the lvl 2 skin 😄

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@TsunamiZ Hello! Sorry that you are having this issue as well. As @Atlesrex mentioned, we reported this issue to the team. This was added as a known issue in this changelog. Thank you!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@TsunamiZ you're welcome 🙂