Original Post — Direct link

Using camera 3 and selecting "Visibility of the car in c*ckpit view: Hidden", all car sounds disappear. If you switch the visibility back to "opaque" or "transparent" the sounds come back.

Would be nice to get this fixed, since I like the location of the camera in c*ckpit view more than alt cam 3, but without the car.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @veki,

Thanks for reaching out and reporting this to us!

Is there no change after verifying the game's files too?

To allow us to take a closer look could you please capture and share a video of this behaviour?

We then get it passed to the team.

Much appreciated!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Clem - Direct link

Hey @veki,

Is the issue still occurring?

If so, could you please try @nailbomb69 's workaround? (Thank you, by the way! It is nice to see fellow players helping each others).

Let us know of any updates, so we can look further together. 😊