Original Post — Direct link

I've been trying to use a prefab I made (A simple mesh in the shape of the bumper logo) and add it to my current block, however when I click on the prefab item my game crashes.
I'm on the current patch of the game and have verified my game files.
Not sure if it was working on prior patches as I haven't tried using prefabs before.

Video of the crash (I show all my meshes layers before finally attempting to import the prefab incase something else is the issue) - https://streamable.com/espjfk: (https://streamable.com/espjfk)

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @vkilljoyy ,

Thanks for reaching out to us with this!

This something which has been reported to the team already and is currently under investigation.

We don't have any further information on this available at the moment, however I have passed your report and clip onto them while they continue to look into this.

We'll update the forums with more information when we hear it.

Thank you!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @vKilljoyy,

Our apologies for the delay.
Could you let us know if this issue is still present in the current version of the game? 😊