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Hi! So when I'm playing Trackmania 2020 sometimes I see my screen stop for a little time. This can be for 0.1 seconds as well as 1.5 seconds. While the screen is frozen the game holds the last imput I did, I cannot change it while it's still lagging.

I can't reproduce it whenever I want to becouse it happens randomly, and it's completely unpredictable. It sometimes happens twice in a minute, sometimes it doesn't happen for 5 or even 10 minutes. I coulnd't find a pattern or an imput that creates it, it can happen even if I don't touch my keyboard.

I haven't discovered any workarounds for it. To me it seems like whatever I do it will lag. I tried changing my graphics settings, search for damaged files, change to another SSD so I have more storage space.

It happens in any gamemode anywhere.

Here is a run I did in the Icy Fall 2022 campaign on map 21:

In this run I got 2 lags, one at 0:50, and another one at 1:50.

I use the Nvidia Geforce gtx 760 graphics card and version 473.81 driver.

(I couldn't send the screenshots of my graphics setting becouse it told my that my post was too long, so here they are:
Display device: Use default
Customize: Yes
Preset: None
Shader quality: Low
Shadows: High
Texture quality: High
Display mode: Windowed borderless
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Window width: 1920
Window height: 1080
Show window border: Yes
Automatic: No
Automatic minimum fps: 30
Maximum fps: 80
Forward antialiashing: MSAA 4x
Differed antialiashing: None
Texture filtering: Anisotrophing 16x
Reflections on vehicles: High
Reflections on water surfaces: Low
Other reflections: Enabled
Blume and lens flare: Medium
Use motion blur: Yes
Motion blur intensity: 0.250
V-Sync: None
GPU & CPU synchronization: 1 Frame

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @cmate - thanks for a detailed description of your issue and the video!

I'm sorry to hear about your performance issues in the game. In order to kick-off the troubleshooting process, please make sure that all remaining steps from out Troubleshooting Guide have been completed. It will help to eliminate most common errors and allow us to proceed with a more in-depth investigation.

Let us know if that helps, thanks! 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @cmate and thanks for getting back to us.

If you're still experiencing this after completing all the suggested steps, could you please contact us directly, by opening a ticket through our support site? This will allow us to take a closer look at your Ubisoft account and system files to further investigate this. Make sure to attach your system files, as suggested in the guide too!

You can also give disabling the overlay a go, as suggested by @Zeemuis (thanks!) 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@cmate Hi !

I've read your message, and I'm glad to hear that the workaround provided by @Zeemuis helped you play without lags !

Regarding friend requests, I invite you to check with one of your friends if you can still party up with them with the overlay disabled, as well as ask them to check if they can party up with you when they're the ones sending the request.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions, or if you need help with anything else !

over 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@cmate Perfect, enjoy the game !