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Every time I change my region it stays with my original region. Can't see times or records set in other regions. Wonder if there is a fix to it or if it's just something where you have to create a whole new account. I would prefer not creating a new account as I have many author medals on this one and just wanted to see how it stacked up in other regions.


about 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Currtsyy thanks for getting in touch with us.

You should be able to change your region and opponents by selecting your profile name on the top left of the menu, selecting 'change region', and then select a region of your choice. then 'confirm'. If you then select a game mode such as campaign mode, you will then see your newly selected region displayed as well as track times and players from that region. After completing the track, you will see how you compare against players in that region. Sometimes it can take a few minutes for these details to update however, so you may see menu screens displaying your previous regions times etc from time to time.

If this is not the case for you, are you able to show us a video that shows this option not working correctly?

over 1 year ago - Ubi-Clem - Direct link

Hey there @MummieSan ,

As you recently created a thread regarding this issue, I will not provide answers here.

You can find the thread you created here.

Thank you for your understanding! 😊