Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard Dev Tracker

16 Dec


Originally posted by DontEatBananaBread

It’s working now

Ah thanks so much for letting me know, glad to hear! If it happens again, please don't hesitate to poke here or in our official Discord (

11 Dec


Hey OP! Could you let me know which region you're in, and if the issue is persisting today? Thanks!

17 Sep


Originally posted by saadskel

I asked on twitter awhile ago if anything new was coming, and they said they weren't ready to share what's coming yet. I think that means they are working on something, but we just have to wait and see. I'd love to go back to the game if there is something new. Also they never announced the top reward for midguardians, so still waiting on that too.

Hey! That was probably me replying haha. I do confirm, we're not ready to share what we're up to juuuust yet, I know the wait is difficult, but we really appreciate y'alls patience in the meantime. We'll be in touch as soon as we can, and look forward to it!

We consider the Valhalla Saga update the culmination of our narrative arc and the story of the Ancients.

05 Aug


Originally posted by Neakochan


Thanks!! So glad they got funded!!


Originally posted by Rude-Push8884

Hey 2 days might not be long enough to get it to succeed it will most likely fail but hey maybe a miracle will happen and boom 100% I’m praying it succeeds

We believed, and it happened thanks to community! Both are funded :D

31 Jul


Hi again! This is a reminder that our Makeship Plushies campaign is still ongoing but JUST until August 3rd!

We are SO close to funding these fluffy companions, at 80% for Mániklo and 70% for Sóleyra. I totally believe we can do it together!

For context: these are the two cats you meet in game, through the tutorial, as your guides to the world of Midgard. Sóleyra (Sun Ear) and Mániklo (Moon Claw) are based off the cats that pull Freyja's chariot in Norse lore! They can combine together in a hug, and we really hope that they reach the funding goal since this would be our first-ever plushie.

Anyway, as a plush-collector...

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12 Jul


Originally posted by Saahrimei

Oh, that reminds me I haven't played this game for months! The plushies are great, especially the black one. I shall show these to my bf, maybe I can finally interest him in this game 😁

Thanks!! ^-^ Haha awesome, let me know what he says!

02 Jul


Originally posted by Inarizaki-1261

I’ve been a big enjoyer of this game. I have been looking for a makeshio plush for a game I support. Will make sure to order them!

Awesome ^-^ !!

28 Jun


Hey everyone - I hope you're all doing well! :)

Sydnee here, just wanted to say a quick hi and let you know that we're collaborating with Makeship on this matching set of plushies, of our mystical cats, Sóleyra and Mániklo, to celebrate our 3 Year Anniversary for Tribes of Midgard. You cannot imagine how hyped we were seeing the prototypes in the studio!

All proceeds that we earn on our side will go directly towards the SPCA, a local animal protection organization here in Montreal. If you end up picking one (or two) of them up, we thank you so much for the support!

View em on Makeship:

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27 Jun

04 Apr


Originally posted by Rumlazy

Hi 😎 and thank you!

Hellooo! And of course! Enjoy the new look.


Alright, bringers of Ragnarök. You voted, and you shall receive. Use the code below to redeem the "Loki Robes" for your Viking!

(and hello to all new players! I'll be hanging out a bit in the comments if you wanna say hi)

16 Oct


Hey there! We're having issues with our server providers at the moment - apologies for the inconvenience. We're still monitoring and will let you know as soon as we have more information as to when it'll be resolved.
Thank you so much for your patience! 🙏

07 Aug


Originally posted by VacationCharacter309

Hi! I just fired it up and it worked! I appreciate the hotfix!

Awesome! :D

04 Aug


Originally posted by VacationCharacter309

Thanks! I was so confused and I’m glad I didn’t pay the $16.99 for gamepass ultimate! That would have been bad.

Hey we pushed a Hotfix! Do you mind letting me know if you can return to your World? Thanks! :D

03 Aug


Originally posted by VacationCharacter309

Thanks! I was so confused and I’m glad I didn’t pay the $16.99 for gamepass ultimate! That would have been bad.

Oh gosh yes so sorry! For sure. I'll let you know when it's fixed! Things are moving forward quickly on our side.


Hi hi OP!

First, we do apologize for the inconvenience. You do not need Gamepass in order to play. This is a known issue that occurred in Monday's update, and it's our top priority to resolve it as soon as possible.

We've added it to our known bugs list (found on our Discord), and I'll respond here as soon as it's fixed!