Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard Dev Tracker

03 May


Originally posted by LeZit-91

Is it normal that when you play as a group your group no longer get xp ? We kill the first jotunn and my friend only got the xp because he deliver the final blow ? In the old saga all the group got the xp ? Is it a glitch or it is intended ???

Hey! Do you remember if this was in Saga or Survival Mode? (I'm checking with the team)!

02 May


Originally posted by Chivasalex21

I really hope that's the case I'm trying to do my lifetime challenges and that would screw it all up haha thanks for the reply!:)

Hey! Yesterday (Monday) was only the end of the Byefrost Spring Festive Event. Worlds will not be reset nor will they be in the future either!


Originally posted by BOEJlDEN

Does silver essence exist? I’ve harvested about 1,500 silver and I’m yet to find an essence

Hey! There is no silver Essence, you can find all of them listed here though!:

19 Apr


Hi! By chance OP, do you know if your Construction bar is full? (it's the green bar located in the top left beside the mini map)

17 Apr


Originally posted by TuggMaddick

Oh sweet. I appreciate the news, I'm actually trying to 100% it on both Xbox and Playstation at the moment (which is admittedly taking longer splitting my time) so that makes me happy!

Thanks for the response, I wasn't expecting to hear back from someone on the dev team. Love the game and appreciate how much work you've been putting into it

Ah that's awesome! Best of luck with that on both platforms!

No problem! I'm a little bit more in the shadows here but always keeping an eye. :) Thank YOU for being so kind.


Hi OP!

You will still get the Achievement upon reaching Level 50, so that hasn't changed. :)

12 Apr


Hi all! To celebrate the Valhalla Saga release, here's a SHiFT Code for the Valr Helm Cosmetic! We're gonna look fantastic together.


  1. Create a SHiFT account
  2. Link your (steam/ps4/whatever you have tribes on) account to SHiFT
  3. Redeem at: on the Rewards t...
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14 Mar


Originally posted by TheTallMatt

That's so wild to me. Who thought it was a good idea to put the permanent ban me button next to the save and quit button?

Hi! I had posted a comment regarding this issue in our Discord, I hope you don't mind me relaying the message here:

I wanted to come by and say that on behalf of the team we do apologize that the button did not have the proper differentiation. The "abandon" button will be adjusted in our next update (we've already completed the re-design), but we must wait until that update for the change to be applied. Again, I'm sorry this happened and hope you can understand for the time being.

We know it's caused pain with those who play, and unfortunately has caused premature 'abandon' situations like this to happen. We've been learning as we develop the game, and know that UX is important - it's a pillar for us moving forward - not just because of this factor here, but because it's important for, frankly, any type of game experience.

01 Feb


Originally posted by TurnRightTurnLeft

Love how you guys came through, just like you mentioned in yesterday's stream! Nice

Though I do wonder what that Fenrir bug looked like. :D

For sure. :) haha it was an unfortunate occurrence but quite funny to see him just... leave. I guess he was scared

31 Jan


Hey all! o7 Here's a link to our first Witch Saga Hotfix notes:

Fixes include:

✅ Hel Challenge updating

✅ Seer's seedling appears

✅ Fenrir will no longer nope out of a fight

Don't hesitate to report any other issue you encounter in our Discord as we are keeping a close eye there: ...

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Originally posted by LetTheDarkOut

Is there a place to report bugs? I’ve encountered so many

Yes absolutely. The best spot is the Discord channel #report-bugs: We also have a #bugs-discussion channel if you need to specify or get clarification. Appreciate the reports as well!

19 Jan


EDIT: Now expired. New SHiFT Codes coming soon!

Hi all!

Hope you're enjoying the Witch Saga so far! Our eyes and ears are out for feedback so don't hesitate to post directly in the sub if you have any comments.

Meanwhile, here's a SHiFT Code for the Helkyrie Lance in Tribes of Midgard!


Redeem at:

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18 Jan


Originally posted by SniperVert

So happy my first saga game with randoms and we got the quadruple.

wait that's amazing!!

17 Jan


Originally posted by Wilczek21

Today? Or later?

The update is live now :)


Originally posted by mentalexperi

so couch co-op isn't coming ever? :( we're a bit sad, cause both me and my girlfriend love the game but have only one playstation and TV so we can't actually play together :(

I totally understand. We are not sure yet if this will be possible or in the plans, but definitely have heard it and will let everyone know once we have a more solid answer.


Originally posted by aliarr

Are the patch notes long? Could they be posted in the comment?

At work and blocked from the site. Impatient to wait til i get home lol.

They are... about 16 pages long, so too long to post in a comment apologies! :c


Hi all! :)

Midgard is in trouble. We need you, Einherjar, to help save Baldr from the depths of Niflheim and the clutches of Hel!

The Witch Saga has BEGUN! 🔮

You can read the full patch notes here:

As always, please don't hesitate to let our team know of any issues you run into, any feedback, or if you want to pass along any comments! You can join our Discord to find a group and share your thoughts: ...

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