

02 Aug


Originally posted by BeyondDope

[BUG] When hitting some trees, the red X becomes impossible to hit. Like you can physically hit it but it won’t trigger the X it. Instead it will just act as if you hit the tree.

Happens mostly with desert trees and sometimes on trees that grow in same area as mushroom (sorry don’t know biome name).

This is currently in our bug tracker and will be addressed shortly.

01 Aug


Originally posted by RockandRoll682

[BUG] "world.monuments" console command not working anymore.

This is intended, the command can only be used by admins.


Originally posted by tortorials

[Bug] isntantly die in cave. Death message say you were killed by yourself. Big cave with 3 build areas, the one where you got to like slide down that mini pit then jump into a passage before the parkour, then there's another set of parkour to another build are. Yeah well you insta die every time you try to slide into the pit

Thanks - looking into this!

Update - We've released some fixes for this, server owners will need to update their servers.


Originally posted by benjsmith

No auto turret changes? I thought they were going to require electricity from this update.

“This does speak to the fact that autoturrets need to be made to use electricity very soon, so please enjoy this last wipe of turret spam.” - The July Update -

Helk has been on vacation for the majority of this month so no work was done on that.


Originally posted by SwineFluPandemic

What is "Added terrain anti hack protection"

Did they finally add some kind of check for "Is this nerd scubadiving under the map to loot your cave" stuff?



Originally posted by GoodSleepDoctor

Disappointing update unfortunately, still no fuel electricity option...I want to start building them trap bases.



Originally posted by RustiDome

[BUG] Servers not showing up in the server listing browser. Even a fresh server spun up with a vanilla config and a unique simple naming does not show up even after being online for 48 hours.

Can you PM me your server details and I'll take a look.


Originally posted by RockandRoll682

Me and entire team getting kicked for hitting trees or nodes with RPC error.

This is an issue with servers running Oxide (third party modding). Server owners will need to wait and apply the latest update from the Oxide team once fixed.

This is not an issue on our end.

Update: A new version of Oxide has now being released. Server owners will need to download and reapply Oxide.


Originally posted by QrokPL

[BUG] Map size over 4000 causes Cargo Ship and Chinook 47 spawn without scientist.

Map size over 4000 causes Cargo Ship and Chinook 47 spawn without scientist on my server and i hope someone can confirm that, if not please tell me what seed you use. To force events use "env.addtime 3"

Today is wipe day so i try to find what cause the Cargo Ship and Chinook 47 bug:

I reinstall server with no mods and tested on 5000 map size and bug still there. I test 5 different seed and same problem so i started lower map size and on 4000 all started to work, I install oxide and some admin plugins and all works.

So this bug is caused when Cargo Ship or Chinook 47 is spawned in "the dead zone" where everything die so to fix this Facepunch need to move max spawn distance?

(11:08:39) | [event] assets/prefabs/npc/cargo plane/cargo_plane.prefab
(11:08:39) | [event] assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47scientists.entity.prefab
(11:08:39) | [event] assets/content/ve...
Read more

This is currently in our bug tracker and will be addressed shortly.


Originally posted by Trump2020MAGAKAG


This is an issue with servers running Oxide (third party modding). Server owners will need to wait and apply the latest update from the Oxide team once fixed.

This is not an issue on our end.

Update: A new version of Oxide has now being released. Server owners will need to download and reapply Oxide.


Originally posted by arends33

[BUG] When trying to farm a node or a tree you get kicked with the error: RPC Error in PlayerAttack

This is an issue with servers running Oxide (third party modding). Server owners will need to wait and apply the latest update from the Oxide team once fixed.

This is not an issue on our end.

Update: A new version of Oxide has now being released. Server owners will need to download and reapply Oxide.

31 Jul


This is currently intended. We currently have no plans to prevent players from flying into these locations.

24 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


hah! - fixing it now.

18 Jul


Originally posted by PticaUbojica

Will HDRP be ready?



Originally posted by mcshkan

Damn I was hoping it'd be on this wipe

Not this wipe I'm afraid.


Because we plan to change it in the near future, we're not currently working on the change.

12 Jul


Originally posted by Mad_OW

[BUG] Whenever I go into the paint sign mode, stroke thickness and strength are on their weakest setting, yet the UI usually shows them somewhere else (e.g. on the strongest).

I have to change both settings back and forth to be able to paint, every time.

We'll take a look at this, thanks!

07 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


We'll put out a fix for this next week.

Update: This is now fixed.

06 Jul


Originally posted by RustiDome

[BUG] Horse steering feels delayed and clunky. Not sure if intended or not

This was due to an optimization pass on horses. We'll look at improving this going forward.

05 Jul


Originally posted by tea_money

[QoL] Chinese new year lantern doesn't glow when turned on.

Thanks, we'll take a look!