

08 Nov


Originally posted by darkrence

[Bug] tesla coil still doesn't recycle. And new medium batteries just get spit out of recycler like seeds

This sounds like a modded server issue, definitely something we're not seeing on Vanilla.

07 Nov


Originally posted by wasabi_hoe

[QoL] Main menu is too big when playing on lower resolution (800x600) can only see 3 letters of the server name.

We'll look into this but for now, try reducing your UI scale by opening F1 console and type:

graphics.uiscale 0.7


Originally posted by HolgerTamm

X on tree minigame moves inconsistently

When you say inconsistently you mean sometimes it'll do large position jumps and sometimes small jumps?


Originally posted by punchinelli

Whenever I hit key binds for chat, such as "/remove", it enters the word "True" into the chat window. Example: I usually have the key H bound to "/remove", and when I press H, I say the word "True" into the chat window. This happens for all text key binds.

EDIT: I found the issue - the binds must be altered to say have "[Global]" entered in front of it. The binding used to be:

bind H chat.say /remove

Now, it needs to be:

bind H chat.say [Global] /remove

Thank you, we're currently looking into this for modded servers.


Originally posted by WildWestSJ

[BUG] Something game-breaking that shouldn't happen.

I have rarely been able to quit the game by using the "Quit" function within the game. If I was to use it I would have to Ctl-Alt-Del to quit game, so I always use "Force Quit". Unfortunately now "force quit" doesn't even work. Really? Baffled? Quality, lol. "You can check in but you can't check out..."

This issue has plagued us for a long time and we're still having issues identifying the root cause. We're working on it!


Originally posted by KingBribant

Game not opening up for anybody else? I installed the update and now when I launch it keeps crashing and I end up having to restart my PC.

If you're still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here. Troubleshooting these types of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.


Originally posted by sela_wot

Game crashing on launch.

Snippets from output_log:

  • Shader 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field': fallback shader 'TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field' not found
  • 3d11: QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory5) failed (80004002).
  • Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
  • Driver:

Have reinstalled game, done integrity check, restarted PC, etc.

If you're still experiencing this issue please contact our support team here. Troubleshooting these types of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.


Originally posted by Credist

thanks here I made a screenshot of the whole screen if that helps

For now, try reducing your UI scale by opening F1 console by using typing:

graphics.uiscale 0.7


The server was taken down early and moved to a new provider.

04 Nov


Originally posted by DevinOlsen

I've always wondered why a server would intentionally disable something like this? What is the possible upside?

In this case, the server has issues with players being kicked by flyhack while using a modded teleport command. The quick fix for them was to completely disable server-side flyhack antihack and fix the underlying at a later date.


This server has disabled flyhack antihack.

Not possible on servers running default antihack settings.

23 Oct

19 Oct


We plan to address this issue in the near future.

04 Oct


Originally posted by arends33

Would this require a server restart?

Server update which requires a server restart yes.


We've released a patch to resolve this issue.


Originally posted by yetzt

[BUG] scientists can walk through closed doors on oilrig.

This is the current intended behaviour - We'll improve upon this in future updates.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We've now released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by AFX337

[BUG] Tools are not showing the relevant stats (img)

We've now released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by arends33

[BUG] Bradley stuck at launch site. (on server im playing on it's stuck near the recycler)

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.