

17 Apr


Originally posted by alec_mc

Riot Dev -

"If you don't respect the ability and you don't respond to it. It's ok for us that you die in that situation. What we want to ode (?) to all of you and make sure is true is that you're getting the proper window of time to move away from it, and you are getting the proper audio and visual queues to move away from it."

Dizzy -

"MOVE out the way..."

Just saying...

That quote from Trevor is talking specifically about Paint Shells, Raze's grenade. This clip's a bit different because it's Raze's ult, and Dizzy uses two Satchels to close the gap on this player from an unexpected angle.

For what it's worth, this player also knows that Dizzy has his ult when the round starts - when I'm playing offense on Bind against an aggressive Raze, I normally give it a few seconds in the start of the round before pushing into a tight angle like that if she has her ult up to punish plays like this. The ult has a short duration once equipped, so if she plays aggro like this and doesn't see anyone quickly, there's a good chance you can waste her ult for free.

Regardless, we understand the frustration here, and we're definitely looking for ways to message her abilities even more clearly to ensure players have enough information and time to play around her.

23 Nov


Originally posted by Usgai

I wish I could shake your hand irl. Ornn mains are rare

There are dozens of us!

26 Oct


Originally posted by Twertell

Gotta love my horn

Ornn mains unite

16 Oct

25 Sep


Originally posted by Tinnoy


Have a safe trip home

Hanging out with Thugg and Blaustoise at the same time is an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. You're a brave man - I'm only traveling with them cause I'm a masochist.

That being said, you can at least get some enjoyment by flexing your rank on us, considering we're all Plat these days :^ )

05 Aug


[SPIDER FORM] Spider Form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider with new abilities.

: Formosa: Elise becomes quadrupedal, gains 25% bonus attack damage and gains armor penetration, and becomes untargetable while ETP is set to ON.

Quadripedal Elise rework confirmed

26 Jul


Originally posted by JimmytheNice

Abandoning Ornn

As a Riot employee, you seem to have a lot of experience in that one! /jk

Love you, but had to.

You take that back right now

25 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

If Volibear sticks to that concept art, I now main Volibear.

Abandoning Ornn to main Volibear

Top 10 anime betrayals