

08 Apr


Originally posted by SidDaSlothMan

How much damage did they do before?

Depends on the weapon!

01 Apr


OK SO. Weapons in Apex have a recoil pattern, or a sequence of recoil offsets they will go through as the weapon is fired. After the weapon is not fired for a time, the position (or index) in the pattern will decay back down towards the beginning. How quickly it decays back down and how long you have to wait without firing before it decays is different depending on the weapon. With the LSTAR, I wanted to try an idea. The recoil pattern has more horizontal recoil early on in the pattern, then it straightens out at the end. The recoil pattern index decays much slower than other weapons, with the idea being that if you are feathering the trigger while at high heat, you can actually keep the LSTAR in the part of the pattern that has low recoil! This was to encourage sustained shooting with breaks in between to let it cool off slightly without letting it overheat, because that's a fun gameplay thing to do and has some room for mastery. However, because the weapon decays through the patt...

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28 Feb


Originally posted by Sk00zle

There's a reward track during the event. It looks like it'll be PK and wingdude rewards for accruing points similar to the Soiree event.

Holy crap I love "wingdude"

27 Feb


Originally posted by CageAndBale

Im sure they have made them all years ago and just drip feed it each season

This is definitely not true, and I have never heard of this being done. It's a popular internet conspiracy, but in general I promise game devs aren't sitting around with too much content and tons of extra time!

23 Feb


Originally posted by Wheresthekarma123




I've been craving seeing some sentinel plays, ty!

20 Feb


A little explanation as to why it doesn't work this way currently: We considered doing this, but it gets hairy with the Havoc Selectfire. We don't want to auto switch on the Havoc, so we decided it was better to stay consistent with a hopup, instead of making it change per gun. Additionally, since the selectfire has already been out so long, it would probably cause a bunch of people to get frustrated and die if they've learned to always swap fire modes, since the behavior has changed suddenly. Ultimately, we decided it wasn't worth the inconsistencies and changing existing player behavior, but it's something we are still looking at and listening for feedback on!

04 Feb


Originally posted by Esacus

Only effective if you can get a drop on someone. If your enemies are not total potatoes and know how to play behind cover, it’s really hard to use the Havoc effectively

I actually feel like this is a bit of the character of the Havoc. The DPS it has once spun up is really high, so it shreds if you get the jump on someone or are fighting multiple people in open ground. But, it requires being able to commit to an attack, making it weaker in cover trading scenarios. I think that combination of strength/weakness is part of what defines the weapon.

Give it a try, I think the improved recoil control pushes out its range a bit and really helps it more than you'd initially expect. We'll be keeping an eye on how people use it though, and we can adjust if needed!


Originally posted by Thelaxingbear

Also comes with max ammo of 160, you’ll burn through that in one fight

I'm hoping this is somewhat comparable to the ammo counts on the other crate weapons, but if it turns out to be too little we will update it! I'm keeping an eye on it don't worry!

24 Jan

22 Jan


Originally posted by abnsss

Why does picking a new gun automatically put the attachments on your secondary but picking a better attachment for your primary don’t put the old attachment on your secondary weapon ? not sure if you understand but it happens all the time with barrels/stocks/mags and it doesn’t make any sense to me

We got something similar in season 3 where attachments will transfer to your other gun when you pick up a whole new weapon, but it currently doesn't do it for some situations of picking up a single attachment. Seems reasonable, but I would wanna make sure it's not too confusing. There may be some cases where people are actually trying to get the current attachment to drop and they might be really confused where it went. Feedback noted!