

14 Oct


Originally posted by smerek74

So I'm the only one who thinks Moz/Hammerpoints is actually a pretty good close range gun??

No one expects to get one shot once they lose their shields. And then you know they are looking at the death recap and see the moz killed them and it's just chef kiss. It may not be the best, but it's definitely one of my favorites.

09 Oct

07 Oct



(We're workin on this right now, pardon the dust!)


Originally posted by Kai2409

"Our brains are very good at focusing on specific things and losing everything else" haha when you said that the first thing I thought is SC2. I just had to mention it, considering if one play at high lvl like myself, you will understand how amazing it is to multitask or focusing so many things at the same time is. #MostCompetitive1v1game.

I used to play a lot more, but I still watch a lot of professional SC2!

06 Oct


Originally posted by Vladtepesx3

I understand the wraith nerf, but NARUTO RUN IS IMPORTANT TO OUR CULTURE

RIP in peace :C


Originally posted by TendersFan

Can't wait. It just kinda feels right now that the L-STAR has been more like a submachine gun than a light machine gun. Would be cool to see some recoil buffs.

The issue with the L-STAR's recoil pattern is that it's this squiggly S shape. That means it has constant horizontal recoil one way or another. If you are close enough, that doesn't matter, but if you're farther away it feels like you can't hit anything. Just tuning the multipliers on the recoil won't solve this, so it probably needs a new pattern. The havoc was the same way and we got a new pattern in for it in 6.0 if I remember correctly.


Originally posted by Yash_swaraj

I don't understand why they are afraid of making big legend changes most of the times. The game has been out for more than 1.5 years and the Legend tier ranking has been exactly the same(except for Gibraltar) and all new legends are consistently at the bottom tier. Most of the times, when there is big buff, there's always a nerf attached to it even though the legend is totally useless and will be even after the buff. They keep shifting the gun meta continuously but the legend changes are always so small(except for 1 or 2 rare cases).

I am once again about to talk about stuff that I'm not a designer for, because I feel like it you're not my mom. (u/DanielZKlein is a better source of truth).

This is complicated by a number of factors.

We are intentionally a gun game with characters, not the other way around. We try to avoid making legends with in combat "just press Q and do damage" abilities for a number of reasons. We want to use legends to explore other aspects of battle royale, so that they can be differentiated and have a unique playspace. Think about Loba, we want a loot focused character, that seems like an interesting axis to touch!

However, it has just turned out that almost all of these interesting axes of power are just not nearly as powerful as things like hitbox size, mobility, and combat utility. In my ...

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Originally posted by DanielZKlein

The teleport is very scary to me; if it ever becomes very powerful, it will immediately ruin the in-combat feel of Apex. Apex relies heavily on you having a good idea during combat where the enemy is relative to you and that they can't just suddenly disappear or worse, flank you with nothing you could have done about it. Between its slowness, the visible trail, and the loud sound Loba's tactical makes sure that doesn't happen, but take even one of those away and you're in danger town.

Mannnnn, way to sneak this in while I was writing my reddit thesis over there!


Originally posted by Gethixit

Buff Loba's tactical please! Her ultimate is NOT what is holding her back.

So I'm not a legend designer, but we definitely hear this feedback a lot and I wanted to touch on it from my personal perspective (I do pew pews). WALL OF TEXT CAUSE I LIKE THIS STUFF SORRYYYYYY!

I personally think, when people hear "this character has a teleport", they get super excited and their brain goes straight to all the crazy powerful fun teleport shenanigans they can imagine pulling off. Then there's a natural, "oh.. it's like this?" when you play it, because it's toned down a lot from the crazy fantasy a lot of people have in their head. However, there are really good reasons we don't want a crazy teleport tactical on a character. Sometimes these reasons can be pretty subtle, so it's worth pointing them out in more detail.

First, I'm gonna define some shared vocabulary for this. When you are in a fight, there's multiple "layers" of combat your brain is engaging in. One of these layers is the "micro" layer, the second-to-second or fraction...

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Originally posted by writing-nerdy

"We try to keep hipfire numbers consistent with similar weapons of the same class. So, the hipfire spread increase on the Devotion is also being applied to the Spitfire."

But not the L-Star? 0.o

The L-Star is sorta a weird gun. It's in the LMG category but it isn't really a full LMG in terms of the stats, it's kinda "LMG-lite". We have future plans for the LSTAR, just nothing this patch.

05 Oct


Originally posted by NOT_T0DAY

Then why does PC controller have auto rotation assist? Console doesn't....what exactly is lower on PC than console?

PC controller and console controller have the same aim assist functionality, PC controller just has the magnitude of some effects reduced.

04 Oct


Originally posted by Open_Signal

I always had the feeling that aim assist gets stronger with higher frames. Any truth to that?

I don't believe so


Originally posted by DistinctGamer

Just to clarify, has it always been like this, or did this change since the launch of the game?

always been like this


Originally posted by damachine51

Is the aim assist in firing range stronger than in game?



Originally posted by DFogz

There's an added challenge for us that we have different aim assist settings between PC and console,

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the increased aim assist on PC due to those players playing against M+K users? If matchmaking were input based and all controller players were playing together there'd be no need for the increased aim assist. Could the values not simply be adjusted to match consoles?

PC contollers have reduced aim assist compared to console

02 Oct


Originally posted by DanielZKlein

Please stop breaking the game, I have so many bugs on me.

Hey that reminds me, I have this bug with wraith I need you to look at

24 Sep


Originally posted by HiddenxAlpha

and it was less used than double tap.

Define that, Please.

Does "Less used" mean 'Was picked up less than' or..

Does "Less used" mean 'When equipped on a weapon, the mode was used less often'.

Because One was a gold hop up, one was purple. Different item rarity means they're picked up less.

Yes obviously. It was picked up less when normalizing for that, and when it was picked up it was actually used much less (probably partially because double tap auto switches to double tap). "Versatility" just isn't as valuable to people, and long range capability is generally just not as important in Apex. It has its fans, and like I said it might come back, but yea.


Originally posted by HiddenxAlpha

Some hopups increase TTK, like turbocharger or skullpiercer.

Lower.. TTK.. Not increase..

"Makes kill faster" is LOWER time to kill..

lol yea that sorry. edited

23 Sep


Originally posted by Aphexis

Interesting, thanks for sharing that. Is this the same case for all hopups that in reality they don't decrease TTK? Like Full auto prowler doesn't have a faster TTK than Burst assuming you hit all shots?

Some hopups improve* TTK, like turbocharger or skullpiercer. But yea, selectfire prowler actually has worse TTK than burst prowler, but burst is harder to use for most people so its still preferred a lot of the time. (although there was a buff to burst prowler recoil in 6.0, so it's getting more attention these days)

EDIT: said increase ttk which is inaccurate