

17 Sep


Happy Friday to everyone!

This weekend I plan on agonizing over whether or not I should buy Humankind (spoiler alert, I will), working towards my goal of +50 SR/night on Damage and Tank, and smoking a pork shoulder for some delicious pulled pork sandwiches with the family.

Whatever you’re doing, be safe, be well, and I hope it brings you happiness :slight_smile:.

13 Sep


On paper, Discord is theoretically weaker with 1 fewer person per team benefiting from the debuff. Thus far in our playtests, Mercy’s Damage Boost hasn’t shown any major issues. That said, there’s still a chance we end up tuning both Discord and Damage Boost down, if we see they’re causing issues in further testing.


It is something we’re considering


I’m not prepared to talk about DPS today.



I said this in the thread last week, but it bears repeating here: none of our hero design and balance changes for OW2 are being made in a vacuum. A change as fundamental as going from 6v6 to 5v5 has far reaching implications and requires us to examine every part of hero balance and design.


Rumors thrive and take root in the absence of information. My goal in being here is to cut down on the rumor mill and to provide you all with as much insight as I can as to what’s happening.


Don’t read too much into the examples I gave. They’re just “for example…”



Doh! (I always make this mistake…)

Fixed thank you.


Not today, sorry!



In my head that played as that tiktok sound.

You know which one I mean.

In all seriousness, it’s understandable if folks have strong feelings about this direction. I’ll be sure to account for all of the sentiment we hear.


I’m gonna be that dev and say that I can’t wait for you all to see this year’s skins.

They look outstanding!


I’ve been seeing this question pop up quite a bit since our post last week, so I grabbed some time with Geoff and Josh from the Hero design and balance team this afternoon. Here’s what they had to say;

So far, we’ve not made a ton of changes to how the Support role works in OW2. There are some meaningful changes, such as removing the stun from Brigitte (more on her specific rebalancing efforts in the future), however for the most part the playstyle of your favorite support heroes should feel familiar and similar to retail.

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To be honest, I don’t know that this consideration is on the radar, but it’s feedback that I can pass along.

11 Sep


Caveat: I am not confirming here the extent to which we’re looking at Doomfist. It would be disrespectful to the the hard working members of Team 4 to not give their work our best effort in revealing it.

Speaking more generally, existing hero reworks and/or balance changes are a part of our larger comms plan for OW2. We want for heroes to have the appropriate amount of space and time to shine...

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10 Sep


Feedback noted.



Without going into detail…



I understand where your feedback is coming from. It remains to be seen how removing cc and utility from certain Damage heroes will impact the perceived “fun-ness” of those abilities being used by Tanks and Supports in the future. That’s a fair concern and one that we’ll be paying close attention to as we develop OW2.


Caveat: not a designer

I believe this is more in regard to the fact that Doom and Wrecking Ball have both great mobility and strong cc abilities like Knockup and Knockback.

Evaluating Tracer’s mobility is a part of process, but in a different way than the former.


Performance, min-specs, etc is not something we’re talking about yet. We’ll certainly have more information on that in the future.