

02 Jul


Originally posted by Charrikayu

Could you explain why the wardrobe system works for backpacks, themselves an accessory, but not other types like amulets, earrings, and rings? Or is it merely a matter of volume and the wardrobe currently can't contain the number of available trinket skins?

The wardrobe doesn't actually track items, but rather the art that they reference. Backpacks are in the wardrobe, because they have a model, while other accessories don't. Aurora, along with the various jewels and infusions with visual effects are set up in a different way that doesn't interface with the wardrobe


Originally posted by Charrikayu

Has there been any consideration about adding an "accessory wardrobe" to the current wardrobe list? Guild Wars 2 has dozens, if not hundreds of absolutely beautiful trinkets which ultimately serve no purpose by virtue of being too low level or having the wrong stats for a particular build. This system would have several major advantages:

  • Practical applications such as transmuting Aurora (or the eventual legendary ring) for players who wish to have a legendary accessory but not the cosmetic effect, as well as differentiating accessories of the same type, such as two rings from the same living story chapter or raid which have different selected stats.

  • Content applications, as it would incentivize replaying old story, dungeons, open-world, and other things which contain trinket appearances unique to them for unlocking.

  • Personal applications for those of us that like customization, and although many accessories have no outward appearance...

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Due to how the wardrobe works, it's extremely unlikely that accessories will be added. In the long term, I'd like to have a solution for the legendary accessories (turning off the effects if you don't want them, and ways to acquire additional accessories for alts), but it probably won't be through the wardrobe system.

04 Apr


Originally posted by NintendoToad

Hmm. I guess I have a question for both you and /u/Dornsinger then - more out of curiosity than anything.

I've kept track of which "Recording Device" is my "original stack", and it looks like the number I had is preserved; the game knows that the "original stack" still has 19 Recording Devices in it (even if in-game, it doesn't "look like it"). My API reports the following in the v2/account/bank endpoint:

    "id": 87114,
    "count": 19,
    "binding": "Account"
    "id": 87114,
    "count": 1,
    "binding": "Account"
    "id": 87114,
    "count": 1,
    "binding": "Account"
  //etc, from replacement mails

Where 87114 is the item ID for the Recording Device. So this leads me to have a question: when the item is made stackable again, will the "original stack" once again have whatever the original quantity was? (And were they made unstackable on accident?)

I'm not 100% sure, but from some testing locally, they should reappear (so long as that item isn't used to make a recording or something else happens to change that value). And yeah, they became unstackable as a side effect of a change that I made to fix a rare issue that some people were reporting, and we missed that that change caused the devices to not stack anymore.

03 Apr


Originally posted by friggarn

Can we please flag them as stackable again? I had them in a shared slot in case I did an event on an alt.

They should be stackable again in the next build.

19 Mar


Originally posted by TehOwn

I know it's been a while since the AMA but I'm really curious.

Were extra ruined logs intended as... you know... it's driftwood?

That was the intent by the designer that put the drops for them together, but I think the issue is that the "Ruined Log" has confusing messaging. It probably would have worked better with a trash item that isn't the item you get from gathering a node with the wrong quality of axe.

08 Mar


Originally posted by Coooturtle

Americans and Europeans may disagree on which way is best to represent the date. But yy/mm/dd is certainly something we can agree is the worst way.

Well, most other ways of writing the date would have been too obvious. I initially had it as 20050426, but the 2005 at the start made it feel much more obviously a date, so I shortened it down to a 2-digit year. I'm surprised someone actually made the connection.

07 Mar


The invisible-ness of these isn't intended, and should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by nosolovro

have you read malazan series? cos i really loved too sanderson and rothfuss, but after i read malazan of steven erikson well let's say every other fantasy saga i read in the past become inferior XD

Yeah, I liked parts of Malazan, but other parts were a little depressing/slow for me. I haven't read any of the new Tiste series, though- just up through Crippled God. For grimdark fantasy, the series that I've like the most was probably Joe Abercrombie's First Law series.

06 Mar


Originally posted by CShee

Congrats on the patch !

Just posted something here before seeing the AMA was up, so just wanted to say the reference to kel Tath from the Malazan series was great !

What are your favourite fantasy series ?

I'd have to go with the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. Honorable mentions include the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, Kingkiller Chronicles by Pat Rothfuss, the Powder Mage trilogy by Brian McClellan, and the Lightbringer books by Brent Weeks.


Originally posted by MossyGargoyle

Is the avocado power/ferocity food in the new map giving the correct stats ( +80/60)? I was hoping it would be a legit alternative to the overly expensive Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup.

It's intended to be a lower version, as most of the other food options have other options that provide slightly lower stats than the top-tier food, but there was no similar option for Power/Ferocity. The intent wasn't to replace the Butternut Squash Soup, but to provide an option that can hopefully satisfy some of the demand, which will hopefully help bring the price down.


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

Gathering the driftwood near the fishing event is giving us, even with max tools, ruined logs.

Just to clarify, you're getting the ruined logs in addition to the elder wood, correct? I've got a fix I'm working on for that, but they should currently be giving normal logging results, with a chance of getting extra ruined logs, unless there's another issue I'm not seeing.


Originally posted by melin-skyland

not sure if its a bug but when I use the Season 4 Portal Tome that I bought in the new map I only get the option to "put it away" shoul'nt there be a option to get to the new map?

Did you get the Sandswept Isles portal scroll? The tome is used to combine all of the portal scrolls for the season, so you can have all of the different portal scrolls in one inventory spot. You can insert the scrolls in the tome, and then using the tome will let you portal to any of the season 4 maps that you've inserted scrolls for.

12 Dec


The update notes for this came in too late for the main notes, but should be coming with the first hotfix.

You can now use Powdered Rose Quartz to purchase material shipments from Quartermaster Zineb in the Sunspear Base. We wanted to preserve a way to make this useful for players outside of the Astral and Stellar weapons, that didn't involve straight silver from vendors.

02 Dec


Originally posted by Hrafhildr

Doesn't bode well for me getting the achievement going anytime soon then. It took them an eternity to fix the Funerary NPC's prices for some reason...

This shouldn't prevent you from being able to complete the collection- Yasna will still give you a collector if you're on the appropriate step of the collection, and the collector should become filled automatically when entering the miasma- the double-click ability is a failsafe- and the filled collector can still be returned to Yasna for achievement progress.

29 Nov


As one of the devs in the AMA, it's mostly because the devs that are participating in the AMA following a Living World release don't work on PvP, WvW, class balance, gemstore, or other things that people ask questions about, and we don't know the answers to those questions. Arenanet has hundreds of people, and we don't all know details on what developers working on different parts of the game are doing or what they have planned. Even where we might know some of what is being worked on, we typically don't know enough to give details or speak officially on those topics.


Originally posted by TekFan

I've been enjoying Daybreak so far. The story has been longer than I thought(positive), my inventory is much more spacious thanks to the key-wallet and the new map-currency started with a slot in the material storage.

I'm really amazed by the new focus. The dark theme isn't really my thing, but art-wise it's great. I know you're not talking about future designs, but...let's just say among the hammer skins Entropy and Genesis make a really nice pair. So...shiny book focus? ;)

P.S.: Could you add a "Consume all"-option to the new map currency?

I set up Kralkatite to work with consume all, but then apparently forgot to enable that. I'll see about getting that added.

28 Nov


Originally posted by PseudoOAlias

Question for anyone on Weapon Design: Love the new Scythe skins!! Very Glad they're in the game. It's a wonderful cosmetic addition & their style is awesome especially considering the -spoilers- you run into in this episode! ... Why aren't they greatsword skins or why isn't there a greatsword version...?

The spear and scythe weapons were built as staves when they were created for the NPCs that use them. We may be able to add some non-standard skins for other types of weapons, but it often doesn't work well as different weapon shapes often have significant clipping issues or look unnatural with certain class/race animations.


Originally posted by Kreiri

What is the reason for designing LS maps without general goods vendors in them?

While we don't always add basic merchants, most of the things that they sell are available from the heart vendors in the map.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We don't currently have any plans to convert unbound magic into volatile magic. We want to make sure that the rewards are tied to the content, while using unbound magic or providing a conversion both makes the rewards available without having to play the new content, as well as making imbalanced farming locations like Bitterfrost Frontier feel like it's required to be efficient for earning season 4 rewards as well.

26 Jul


Originally posted by Chris_7941

Do I understand right that you can only buy 6 items a day with the seed and with the gobblers i could create up to 24 a day?

The seed offers 4 purchase options, one corresponding with each gobbler. Purchasing the option that takes bloodstone dust and dragonite ore shares the cooldown with the sentient anomaly, so if you buy all 6 from the seed, you won't be able to use the anomaly anymore, and if you use the gobbler, you won't be able to purchase them from the seed anymore. You can get a total of 24 fluctuating masses either by using all 4 gobblers 6 times, or buying 6 of each listing from the seed (or by doing a combination of both).