

06 Jul


Originally posted by cylonapplepie

There's your tutorial

It should improve your GW2 experience as game will run native on platform it was written on, but I wouldn't expect any serious improvements as game engine isn't handling places crowded by players very well in first place. You can tweak graphic settings, turn off player name plates (those can be bring up at any time by pressing modifying key on keyboard; not sure which one is on Apple keyboards as I haven't played GW2 on these machines in 4 years) to squeeze those frames but there won't be a performance miracle

OSX client is a Windows client + little piece of software called Cider that translates on-the-fly Windows code to be usable on Apple machines. Cider is the fork of Wine

OSX client is a Windows client + little piece of software called Cider that translates on-the-fly Windows code to be usable on Apple machines. Cider is the fork of [Wine](\_(software)

This is incorrect. The 64-bit client, which is the only client available, is fully native. The quoted information was only true of the 32-bit client.

04 Jul


Originally posted by Awthorn

Hi my beloved dev I don't know wich team im supposed to ask But are you planing an engine performance or something like that ?

Hi my beloved dev I don't know wich team im supposed to ask But are you planing an engine performance or something like that ?

I'm going to quote Johan here as it's still the case:

GW2 does a lot of processing, and much of it is done on the main thread. That is also where its bottleneck tends to be: The main thread. There are conscious efforts in moving things off the main thread and onto other threads (every now and then a patch goes out that does just this), but due to how multi-threading works it's a non-triv...

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23 May



16 Mar


Originally posted by MorbidEel


The Mac client doesn't automatically update to the latest like the Windows client?

Since the two applications are very different internally, this is not as simple as it was/is for the Windows client.

In case you weren't aware, the 32-bit client ran under Cider, a Wine-derivative, whereas the 64-bit client is a native application.


Looking at the launcher is a simple way of determining which one you have:


vs 64-bit

08 Mar


Originally posted by magic_cookie_bar

No, I am using normal GW2 that I've been using since I began playing in 2012.

See Ester's response to this post.


Originally posted by Leafbrains

I get client errors or crashes relatively frequently, however when the map issue happens I don't receive any error messages; just the black screen with map title/map icons and music from the map I attempted to leave, if I wait long enough my fans will run lower then turn off and viewing my activity monitor I can see a sharp increase in CPU load (from 22% to 95%) then a sharp decrease (from 95% to 14%). The game does not respond to any commands and will only close with force quit. I'm fairly certain I use the 64 bit client since I did a reinstall pretty recently; version 1.0.010382. I also just downloaded the new build and tried to change maps only for the same result.

That sounds like the 32-bit client. The version number shown in App Info says 1.0. The 64-bit client when installed by default is named with "64-bit" in the app name.


Originally posted by magic_cookie_bar

For me, when I try to change maps, the game freezes. I get the loading screen or black screen, but nothing progresses. There are no notifications of error or crash. Have to force quit. I can access the Trading Post. Also, cannot switch characters, screen is frozen, music continues to play, have to force quit.

Are you using the 64-bit client?

07 Mar


From what people here have discussed so far, this doesn't sound Mac specific. Are there any client errors or crashes showing up that might shed some more light on what you all are experiencing?


Originally posted by Xelazeratul

As a recent graduate looking for jobs this is all very useful, thank you!

As a side note, may I ask what you guys look for in code samples? For example, should they be complete projects or snippets? I'm still trying to wrap my head around what is being asked for.

This is from an older job posting, but it generally still applies:

Here is what we are looking for in your code samples:

  • Your best work.
  • Demonstrated breadth of programming skills.
  • Ability to write readable, maintainable and efficient code.
  • Ability to design clear abstractions and clean interfaces.
  • Appropriate selection of data structures or algorithms.

What we are not looking for:

  • Code any of your previous employers have prevented you from sending us.
  • Solutions to simple problems (such as counting the number of zero bits in an integer).
  • Straightforward implementations of published algorithms (such as A*).
  • Wrapper classes for an existing library.
  • Math libraries such as matrix and vector implementations.
  • That code that you wrote years ago but which you could write better today; we want to see examples of your current skill.
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06 Mar


Originally posted by Lorsio

Thank you for all those tips !!! It means so much to me :)

I think I fill most of those, so it's a relief :'). The only one I can be a bit behind is the math part where I'm like average/good, depending on the subject... Guess I'll try harder ! :)

The level you need to be competent at can depend greatly on the specific specialization you are angling for. For example, graphics programmers often need to have pretty solid linear algebra, while general gameplay might be able to get away with general algebra.

I highly recommend going as far as you can though. I may be biased though; I have an undergrad in Math. 😆


Originally posted by Lorsio

Hi, I've already told that to Matthew Medina on twitter, but I really want to thank you guys for being awesome and what you did with Guild Wars. You are open-minded, talkative on social media and I could tell a lot more about you, but I'll just sum up by saying you "change" my life more than you think, and gave me a purpose in my life : working with you guys :)

I am a french student in computer science, and I'm studying to become an engineer. But because computer science cover a lot of stuff, I wanted to know what should I focus on, in order to have a chance to work with you ? By that I'm asking for languages such as C++/C#... & database stuff, that's what I like :)

I've already checked some job offer to give me ideas of what the response should be like, but I think it's better to ask here, to maybe have more details :)

Again, thank you so much for everything... You are awesome :)

Here's some general tips I give a lot of people who are interested in the field:

  • Solid math skills.
  • Knowledge of C++ and/or proven ability to learn new languages/technologies quickly.
  • Solid understanding of data structures, particularly those used in games. e.g. intrusive lists, block lists, skip lists, component architecture, etc.
  • Having a broader knowledge of non-technical reference materials, such as History or other ancillary fields which may not be directly related to games or programming.
  • Passion for making games. Make your own games as personal projects.

*this is not specifically tips for getting hired at ArenaNet, or what we specifically look for, just my own personal "so you wanna be a game programmer" tips.


Originally posted by Andulias

Here is a technical question - before PoF launched you said that thanks to upgrades to the engine you could increase the draw distance, which really helped make the PoF maps feel grand. Both LWS4 maps released so far however feature very restricted draw distance. Is there any particular reason for this?

Cameron gave a pretty good description of the trade-offs they had to make when making the map.


Originally posted by maxOS1104

Any update on the Mac client issue that the client reads a ton of data off the hard drive?

Any update on the Mac client issue that the client reads a ton of data off the hard drive?

  • We were able to reproduce the problem.
  • We believe we've ruled out it being an asset loading and are exploring other potential sources.

Edit: English hard.

11 Jan


Originally posted by Quarks10

I'm not 100% sure on these, but figured I'd put my thoughts in lieu of nothing else.

  1. 32 bit Mac client is retired, 64 bit client is in beta (launched June 2017 or something), but from experience the 64 bit mac client runs decently well.
  2. OpenGL wrapper for DirectX, I think. I did see one crash that mentioned Metal drivers in the dump - it's possible that you can change which driver your OS tries to use, but keep in mind it needs to wrap DirectX in some way. Because of that, your performance is going to be inferior to DirectX regardless.
  3. Game is only built on DirectX. You can't natively use OpenGL

The 64-bit Mac client doesn’t use a DirectX wrapper.

02 Dec


Originally posted by primitiveamerican

I’m on a MPB retina 2015 i7 2.2 ghz.

The problem is all the time, in combat, mount riding, everything. The cursor disappears and gets stuck in action camera mode but I didn’t engage it in anyway. It happens whether or not I’m playing with a mouse or trackpad.

To get it to come back I just mash the mouse buttons a few times and it comes back.


If you unhook both action camera binds does it still happen? What if you turn off gesture controls (in general options)?


Can you describe the problem in more detail? Like under what circumstances is it not coming back? What machine are you playing on? Could it be that you are accidentally engaging gesture camera controls, or action camera?

Maybe some video of it happening could help illustrate it for us.

30 Nov


If this is still happening, where are you and what region are you trying to connect to?

20 Oct


Thanks for the report of it positioning strangely. We'll look into it.

18 Oct


Is there a reason you are not using the 64-bit client?