

04 Sep




  • Turning is now allowed while casting skills, even if you cannot move, by pointing the left stick to the direction you want to turn.
  • When using a controller the Radial Menu now opens when pressing the assigned button once, instead of holding the button. It can be closed by pressing the button again.
  • Fixed Sanctuary of Eterra UI Panel not working with controllers.
  • Opening the Inventory on controller now highlights the last active location.
  • Added fixes for navigating the factions UI while u...
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22 Aug


Hi there! This is a known bug and the team is working on it :slight_smile:

21 Aug


Hi there! After discussing this with the team, it appears that launch option ‘-useallavailablecores’ has no effect on game performance or core use. Last Epoch already utilises multicore processing and no launch options are needed to enable this.

Performance is something the team are always working to improve so please submit in game bug reports when you encounter any issues, letting us know how long you’ve been playing, what build you’re using and if there was a particular Mob, Map or Monolith event type that caused the issue.

20 Aug


The team are already working on a fix for this!

01 Aug


Thank you, adding that to our Ctrl+F checks haha :blush:


Balance Changes

Our recent fix to cases where conditional damage bonuses were applying incorrectly had some unintended consequences, which heavily impacted specific builds in ways players could not have anticipated. To correct this, we’re buffing these skills or effects to restore the power they had before this fix.


  • Base damage increased from 300 necrotic and 300 fire to 600 necrotic and 600 fire.
  • Grimhilde’s Domain now grants Witchfire 2% more damage per 1% ignite chance with fire skills (from 1% per ...
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30 Jul


Hi there, as this is actually a bug report can you please post this in Bug Reports - Last Epoch Forums or use the In Game Bug Reporting tool as this attaches very useful data for our team! Thank you!

26 Jul


Lightless Arbor allows for legitimate dupes, so it’s likely not a Dupe Exploit - we do plan to introduce a visual indicator to more easily identify when an item in duplicated via Lightless Arbor to help with this!

17 Jul


What’s happening to block you?

16 Jul


Oh thank you! Can I have the ticket number so I can track that down?

15 Jul


Hi there, would you be able to provide either the folder called ‘Old Characters’ or any player.log files from that time period?


Hi there! I wanted to let everyone know that we are looking into these reports so I might reach out and ask for some files directly!

For players who are making new Characters but never seeing them again after logging out - please make sure your Save File isn’t in ‘Read-Only’ mode. This has caught a few of our players out.

12 Jul



  • Aberroth is now available for Offline modes


  • The Sorcerer’s Passive 2nd Bonus now correctly shows ‘1% more damage per 2 mana cost, up to 50% more’

Bug Fixes


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11 Jul


Please try verifying your game files through Steam. If that doesn’t help, please submit an in game bug report.

If you wish to attach extra screenshots, you can upload them to imgur/ibb/gyazo then copy-paste the link into the bug report tool

10 Jul


This is a quick hotfix to immediately address a small issue with Evade. We will have larger follow-up patches for other issues in the coming days.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed people to override Evade with any skill via drag/drop from skill screen.

04 Jul


It can also become a Legendary by gaining affixes.

03 Jul


This blog post doesn’t cover all the up coming Class and Skill changes, those will be in the full Patch Notes :slight_smile:


There are more Ranks but it will take less time to get to Rank 12 than it takes to get to Rank 10 now.


Hello Travelers,

Welcome to the second Pre-Patch Blog Post! Today we’re going to be highlighting some of the Quality of Life changes, as well as a few other changes, coming with the Last Epoch 1.1 : Harbingers of Ruin update on July 9th.

While we’ll be covering some hot topics today, fear not, the full Patch Notes will cover everything being added, changed, or fixed in 1.1! (Looks at word count of the Patch Note post) Make sure to set some time aside to read those.

Mechanical Changes

In this section we’re covering some of the much requested quality of life updates to the most commonly used mechanics in game that should help Travelers as they progress through Eterra, even our Alt-oholics too!


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27 Jun


This is known to the team and on the QA Queue for 1.1, the inputs still work though, it’s just the icons which have bugged :blush:

Space to reset view, Shift to Hide/Show the Quest Log, LMB click-and-drag to move the Map, Middle/Scroll Wheel to Zoom in/out and RMB on waypoints to fast travel!