


It might be worth trying CloudFlare Warp to see if that helps! We use this to see where an issue might be happening in the connection pipeline, is it ISP, is it a rerouting hub, is it our end etc :slight_smile:


Hi there! This can have a few causes, are you using a VPN?


If you used the In Game Bug Reporting Tool, you won’t get a reply from the team though they can use that report to investigate!

If you reached out to Support via our site then they can take 3-5 days to respond.

If you haven’t already, it might be worth re-defeating the Quest Echoes in the Fall of the Outcasts Timeline.

13 Sep


While it hasn’t made it in yet, this is something being discussed by the team as we have seen that feedback!

12 Sep


You could try rebinding the Town Portal key to something waaaaaaay out the way and seeing what happens. If it continues, definitely send us an In Game Bug Report!

11 Sep


T is the ‘Open Town Portal’ keybind - if you’re hitting several skills rapidly, you might be accidentally hitting T as well when you go to press R.


Have you submitted any in game bug reports for these characters?


This has been a really difficult on to pin down so thank you for your in game bug reports!

A quick work-around for now is to click the mouse or keyboard once, if possible, and then go back to using your controller.

If a menu is still open, using the left stick will move your character so using the D-pad is the best way to stay inside of the window before closing it and returning to gameplay.


Like Microniko said, if your faction progress was reset to 0 before the 1.1.6 patch - try going back and defeating the Bosses of the level 90 Normal Monoliths.


Hello! Did either of you submit in game bug reports for this? If so I can track those down and pass them to the team.


Was this in Online, Offline or True Offline?

Have you tried reducing any graphics settings, or noticed if it happens more often if you’ve been playing a while?


This is definitely worth putting in a ticket or an in game bug report for. If you have any screenshots they might be helpful too!

10 Sep


Hey! I had my coffee, I’m just clumsy :sweat_smile:


An issue was discovered and the team is working on it as we speak!


The team is aware and investigating!

06 Sep


Hi everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for all the feedback, we have logged it all and it’s been passed to the right teams!

I do want to ask that everyone remain respectful and follow our Forum Rules, even when sharing differing opinions and view points. We will be reviewing posts for moderation where needed.

Thank you again for all of your input! Please keep it coming!


We’re currently working on our Support Site and Forum for those reasons exactly! We want to make any information that player might find useful available in as many places as we can. I don’t have an ETA on when those changes will be done, I just wanted you to know we are working on it!


Everything gets logged, sent to the team and added to the queue! Replying to all the posts would take a lot of time though I do understand how frustrating it can be to not get any acknowledgement.

The Discord does have a Known Issues thread in the FAQ channels, this is used to cover some of the more common issues, like those that occur after a patch drops, as well as offer guidance on how to report some of the harder to pin down and fix issues.

05 Sep


The team are aware and looking into this, if you experience it please submit an In Game Bug Report listing the skills you’ve notice are no longer working correctly!

04 Sep


Excellent to hear! It was driving me mad :sweat_smile: